Tolkien, kendi mitolojisini Hobbit'e tercih ediyor.
I don't much approve of The Hobbit myself, preferring my own mythology with its consistent this rabble of Eddaic-named dwarves out of Völuspá, newfangled hobbits and gollums (invented in an idle hour) and Anglo-Saxon runes.
Old English verse has an attraction in places that is immediate. But Old English verse does not attempt to hit you in the eye. To hit you in the eye was the deliberate intention of the Norse poet.
Tolkien, Atlakviða hakkında...
'We are in the presence of great poetry that can still move us as poetry. Its style is universally and rightly praised: rapid, terse, vigorous -- while maintaining, within its narrow limits, characterization. The poet who wrote it knew how to produce the grim and deadly atmosphere his theme demanded. It lives in the memory as one of the things in the Edda most instinct with that demonic energy and force which one finds in Old Norse verse.'
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The Prophecy of the Sibyl
Then darkened shall the sunlight be, and Earth shall founder under sea, and from the cloven heavens all the gleaming stars shall flee and fall; the steam shall rise in roaring spires and heaven's roof be licked with fires.
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Sigurd ile Gudrun Efsanesi... Türkçe'sini edinemeyince kütüphaneden İngilizce'sini bulup kaptım hemen. Yapacağım inceleme objektif olamayabilir. Şiirden bu kadar haz etmeyip keyif aldığım tek edebiyat türünün fantastik/mitolojik olması beni yoruyor. Bu kitap da Germanic mitolojide görebileceğimiz Völsungları konu alıyor kısaca. Sigurd adında bir
The Legend of Sigurd and Gudrún
The Legend of Sigurd and GudrúnJ. R. R. Tolkien · Houghton Mufflin Harcourt · 2009148 okunma
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