The Allied commanders were now in a quandary: they couldn't crush the Turkish guns unless they came in close eneough to bring their massive firepower to bear, but they couldn't be sure that the mines had been cleared so that it was safe for them to venture in that close. Following a last-minute change in command after Admiral Carden
The interviews
1. Don't worry "The secret to a long life is not to worry. And to keep your heart young-don't let it grow old. Open your heart to people with a nice smile on your face. If you smile and open your heart, your grandchildren and everyone else will want to see you." "The best way to avoid anxiety is to go out in the street
In the weeks and months that followed, 200 men belonging to the Bontate–Inzerillo faction were killed in the province of Palermo—to count only the bodies that were actually found. Most of the enemies of the Corleonesi were killed before they even knew they were in danger, betrayed by men within their own Family who had secretly joined the Corleonesi; some were even eliminated by their own men and presented as sacrificial offerings to the victors. The Families and mandamenti of murdered leaders were immediately handed over to Corleonese loyalists.
"The chronological sorting of memories is an interesting business. Prior to this first weekend in the country, my recollections of that fall are distant and blurry: from here on out, they come into a sharp, delightful focus. It is here that the stilted mannequins of my initial acquaintance begin to yawn and stretch and come to life. It was months before the gloss and mystery of newness, which kept me from seeing them with much objectivity, would wear entirely off- though their reality was far more interesting than any idealized version could possibly be - but it is here, in my memory, that they cease being totally foreign and begin to appear, for the first time, in shapes very like their bright old selves."
I managed to get out of taking my French exams the next week, due to the very excellent excuse of having a gunshot wound to the stomach.
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