183 syf.
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THE BEAST AMONG US Personality is a set of characteristics that the individual has and distinguishes the individual from others. In psychology, personality has been studied from many aspects and theories have been established on this subject. Sigmund Freud that forms the basis of all theories has been studied over the concepts of id, ego and
Kanlı Madalya
Kanlı MadalyaStephen Crane · Babil Yayıncılık · 200086 okunma
116 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
Reflections of social issues of modern people in the play “A Doll's House”
It seems that just surviving and sleeping with a full stomach are not the main problems of developed civilizations since the first formations of societies. ‘Surviving in a good condition’ is the key for modern women and men and death is mostly ignored or perceived as an end from a scientific point of view. Social status, economic level of
A Doll's House
A Doll's HouseHenrik Ibsen · Gece Kitaplığı · 2014776 okunma
194 syf.
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John Barth is the most important postmodernist novelist and his works of art fiction and reality somehow is complicated. It becomes difficult to decide which one is real and which one is fiction. Blurring and uncertainty is so immense that sometimes it is problematic to understand what is happening and what is going on this story. In the story we
Lost in the Funhouse
Lost in the FunhouseJohn Barth · Bantam Books · 196917 okunma
340 syf.
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17 günde okudu
4/5 Stars (%75/100) Considering that Bodkin published in 1934, it is very impressive that you can still use it in many ways. I had to read this book because I plan to use it for my thesis and I admit that it is a difficult read, especially for a Master's student. Yet, I learned a lot of things and I am sure I'll quote many things from Bodkin as it is a good point of start in archetypal literary criticism. However, there were parts when Bodkin went on and on and I often felt lost as not all of the book will be useful to me. After many days, I am glad I am done with reading but I'll still come back and check certain things. Overall, it is a good source for people who study archetypes and even more useful if you are also interested in poetry.
Archetypal Patterns In Poetry
Archetypal Patterns In PoetryAmy Maud Bodkin · 19931 okunma
338 syf.
9/10 puan verdi
12 saatte okudu
"You are my antithesis, Luella. You are the queen of life.” “And you are the king of death,” The elves come for two things:war and wives. In both cases, they come for death. Three-thousand years ago, humans were killed by some races have wild magic skills. But, later the treaty was made. For centuries, Elves have taken a young woman from Luella’s village to be their Human Queen. Nineteen-year-old Luella is a healer in her town Capton. The Elf King chose Luella as his wife, and as a Human Queen of Midscape. Luella should learn how to control powers she never expected to save a dying world that is a land filled with wild magic. I read the first book of Air Awakens series by Elise Kova. And while I’m searching author’s other books, A Deal With The Elf King caught my attention. I really liked it.This is inspired by Beauty and Beast, Hades and Persephone myth. I really liked Luella because she is clever and stubborn in addition to her sense of humor. I loved Eldas. The relationship between Eldas and Luella was slow, they knew each other slowly and then falling love with each other. So I recommed A Deal With The Elf King. I’m sure you’ll love it.
A Deal with the Elf King
A Deal with the Elf KingElise Kova · Silver Wing Press · 2020844 okunma
144 syf.
9/10 puan verdi
Nirvana and Om.
☆ Why i read - The name Siddharta means Gautam Buddha means Buddhism, as i believe in the teaching of Gautam Buddha so i decided to read this book. Buddham saranam gacchami - I take refuge in the Buddha. ☆ What i read - • This book speaks about the life of siddhartha and his best friend govinda, they were on the way to find the meaning and peace in their life, the path choosen by both was them was different. • Siddharta and govinda both decided to take learning from buddha, as for siddharta he choose the different because he don't believe in words, govinda continue to get learning from buddha and so there learning path become different. • In Siddharta life many people come and go and they were all good teacher - kamala whom he was obsessed later to become his life partner, kamaswami whom helped him to get rich in his life and later he get into fake rich world of sorrow and regret and vasudeva whom meet after he lost all things in his life as vasudeva taught his real meaning of all. • Sidhharta continues to get advantage and disadvantages from all this people he continues to learned from all this people, later he found that the only thing which help him to learn was just a flowing river or water. • River play an important role in Siddharta life as it was the most important teacher of his life and taught him how to handle grief, happiness and all his emotions in his life as river says - nothing is permanent in his life.. one thing goes.. new things born and so on life continues. • Books speak about the teaching of two persons- one (Govinda)believed in words of teaching, other(Siddharta) believe in action of nature and people, it is our call whom you want to choose. Thank you. Have a good learning. Stay Safe #peace
SiddharthaHermann Hesse · Qanun nəşriyyatı · 202038,2bin okunma
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