
Be the MOST random person.
Unique “I don’t understand why people keep pushing that “Don’t be some random person. BE UNIQUE” message. You’re already incredibly unique. Everyone is incredibly unique. That’s why the police use fingerprints to identify people. So you’re incredibly unique … but in the exact same way that everyone else is. (Which, admittedly, doesn’t really sing and is never going to make it on a motivational T-shirt.) So none of us are unique in being unique because being unique is pretty much the least unique thing you can be, because it comes naturally to everyone. So perhaps instead of “BE UNIQUE” we should be saying, “Be as visibly fucked up as you want to be because being unique is already taken.” By everyone, ironically enough. Or maybe we should change the message to “Don’t just be some random person. Be the MOST random person. ” Excerpt From: Jenny Lawson. “Furiously Happy.”
Mozart in the Jungle: Sex, Drugs, and Classical Music
“With a bad reed, my oboe could be a beastly instrument honking and squeaking as if it had a mind of its own. When my reeds were working, though, I learned that making a sound spoke my emotions more directly than my own voice.”
Kar mûsıkîleri
Bin yıldan uzun bir gecenin bestesidir bu. Bin yıl sürecek zannedilen kar sesidir bu. Bir kuytu manastırda duâlar gibi gamlı, Yüzlerce ağızdan koro hâlinde devamlı, Bir erganun âhengi yayılmakta derinden... Duydumsa da zevk almadım İslav kederinden. Zihnim bu şehirden, bu devirden çok uzakta, Tanbûri Cemil Bey çalıyor eski plâkta. Birdenbire mes'ûdum işitmek hevesiyle Gönlüm dolu İstanbul'un en özlü sesiyle. Sandım ki uzaklaştı yağan kar ve karanlık, Uykumda bütün bir gece Körfez'deyim artık! Yahya Kemal BEYATLI

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“Ars longa, vita brevis!” “Sanat uzun, hayat kısa.”
“Kalbim sana olan aşkını düşünüyor Saçımın yarısını ördüğümde Koşa koşa seni bulmaya geleceğim Ve artık saçlarımı ihmal edeceğim.” -Eski Mısır, Arris 500 papirüsün’den