
“I—” I stopped myself, feeling self-conscious for a reason I didn’t understand. “Do you need a date? Like”—I pointed a finger at him—“you? A woman to be your date?” “I don’t intend to show up with a chimpanzee, like you suggested. So, yes, a woman.” He paused, that scowl taking shape slowly. “You.” My lips snapped closed and then opened back up, probably making me look like a fish. “So, you want me”—I pointed at myself—“to pretend to be your date?” “I didn’t say that—” “Don’t you have a girlfriend?” I interrupted him, the question bursting out of me. “No, I don’t.” I watched his eyes close for a heartbeat, his head shaking once. “Not even a casual someone you are seeing?” He gave me another shake. “A fling?” He sighed. “No.” “Let me guess. No time for that?” I regretted it as soon as it had left my lips. But frankly, I was curious. So, perhaps, if he answered, I wouldn’t regret the question completely. His shoulders shrugged lightly, his back relaxing slightly. Just as if he had accepted that he’d have to give me an answer or I’d press for one. “I have time, Catalina. Plenty of time in fact.” Even in the darkness of the car, I saw those ocean-blue eyes of his pin me down with an honesty I hadn’t been prepared for. “I’m simply saving it for someone who’s worth it.”
“Bir pazarlık yapmamıza yardımcı olabilecek birini tanıyorum.” Tolya kaşlarını çattı. “Pazarlık mı?” “Titanyum çalacağımızı söylüyor,” dedi Zoya. Genya’nın fincanı tabağına çarptı. “Kerchler böyle bir şeye kalkıştığımızı anlarsa, diplomatik bir felaket olur.” Nikolai onun omzunu hafifçe sıktı ve ayağa kalktı. Yönetmesi gereken bir ülkesi olan bir kraldan çok hava toplarını bir düşman gemisine fırlatmaya hazır bir korsan gibi gözüküyordu. “Olabilir,” dedi. “Ama Ketterdam bahis oynamak için doğru yer.”
Öykülerde sevgi yaraları iyileştirir, kırık olanı tamir eder, hayatınıza devam etmenizi sağlardı. Ama sevgi bir büyü, kutsama sözcükleri, bir merhem ya da her şeyi iyileştiren bir şey değildi. Bağ kurarak, zorlukları paylaşarak ve güvene saygı göstererek güçlenen narin bir iplikti.
Sayfa 523 - MartıKitabı okudu

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Adam exploded so fast, she didn’t even see him move. One moment he stood in front of her, and the next he was pinning Tom against the wall. “I’m going to kill you,” he gritted out, little more than a growl. “If you say another word about the woman I love, if you look at her, if you even think about her—I’m going to fucking kill you.”
“I wish you could see yourself the way I see you.”
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