Seyir Zevki Kaf Dağı'nın Üstünde Olan 30 Film 1- Constantine (2005) 2- Serendipity (2001) 3- The Last Castle (2001) 4- Hitch (2005) 5- 1408 (2007) 6- Pearl Harbor (2001)
The Erinyes, having been denied their prerogative to mete out punishment to Orestes for his matricide, threaten to afflict Athens with disease that would make the land “leafless” and “childless”; after Athene assuages their anger by offering them honors in Athens, the Erinyes in turn promise benedictions for a prosperous land. This ability to destroy or nurture life hints at their powers of fertility. Furthermore, we find Demeter worshipped as Demeter Erinys (sometimes called just Erinys).
“Child of Themis who gives sound advice, your thoughts aim high. Against your will and mine, I’ll pin you with bronze chains you can’t undo on this crag far away from humankind, where you will neither see the forms of mortals, nor hear their voices. Burnt by sun’s bright fire your skin will lose its bloom; you will be glad when night in spangled clothing hides the daylight, and again when sun at dawn dispels the frost. Always the burden of each moment’s pain will wear you down. Your rescuer’s not yet born. This is what your human-loving ways have won. You are a god, and still you did not cower before the anger of the gods, but granted mortals honors to which they have no right. For that, you’ll keep watch on this joyless rock, upright, unsleeping, never bending a knee. You’ll cry out often, in sorrow, pain, regret; it will do no good. Zeus is not to be won over. He is harsh, as all those new to power are harsh.”
Nasıl ölebilir? hiç yaşamamış ki..!
Biraz önce izledim.. With Honors (insanlık yolu) diye Türkçeye çevrilmiş, maddeleşen dünyaya rağmen hayattan güzel dersler var, izleyin derim..
LAW 1: NEVER OUTSHINE THE MASTER Always make those above you feel comfortably superior. In your desire to please or impress them, do not go too far in displaying your talents or you might accomplish the opposite—inspire fear and insecurity. Make your masters appear more brilliant than they are and you will attain the heights of power. LAW 2:
With Honors :)
Ah sevgili ve kusursuz eşit adam, Düşündüm ki keşfedersin beni böyle zayıf, dolaylı işaretlerle, Ve aynı işaretlerle tanıyacağım ben de seni karşılaştığımızda.