Rolf Dobelli

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bir deneyimden ancak o deneyimin içinde barındırdığı kadar bilgelik çıkarmaya dikkat etmeliyiz daha fazlasını değil ;yoksa kızgın sobanın üzerine oturan kediye benzeriz. Kedi bir daha asla kızgın sobanın üzerine oturmayacaktır , bu doğru ; ama bir daha soğuk sobanın üzerine de oturmayacaktır Mark Twain
insanlığın en büyük talihsizliği odasında sakin sakin duramamasıdır
In short, consuming the news widens the pool of potential competitors to include the entire world. We compare ourselves to people who have absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with us As a result we feel smaller than we really are. Of course, this could be rationally countered - but we don't do that. The emotional consequences are real, bringing physical and hormonal changes in their wake. Our stress level rises. Our serotonin level falls. We bow our heads and shuffle our feet, broken. We make life harder for ourselves than it already is. High time to opt out-out of our absurd consumption of the news media and our absurd race to achieve status
statu ve aşk
mammals are thus extremely choosy when it comes to mating. Access to resources is their key criterion. And because higher status equates to better access to resources among all mammals, Homo sapiens included, women - and I'm over- simplifying here, of course tend to choose higher-status men. This happens largely subconsciously 'Falling in love' is the mechanism evolution has designed to accomplish it. The counterpart to the female's preference for high status is the male's latent anxiety around its lack. And because women get half their genes from their father, this drive to attain status is rooted in them too. Women also have their own status pyramid. The upshot? We all arrange ourselves in hierarchies. In the workplace, the military, the church, sports, our neigh- bourhood, even in the playground. We
birini ikna etmek istiyorsanız argümanınız olası kazanç değil olası kayıptan kaçınma olmalıdır
zaman yonetimi
Information these days is no longer a scarce resource - attention, on the other hand, is in short supply. So why are we so irresponsible with it? I doubt you're so profligate with your health, your reputation or your money. Two thousand years ago, Seneca wondered the same thing: when it comes to money, the great philosopher pondered, we're tight-fisted. Yet when it comes to our time, we're as spend- thrift as can be - even though time is the only commodity with which we really ought to be miserly. Over the course of my life I've read countless books on time management and tried out dozens of their well- meaning suggestions. Yet I have come to the conclusion that, for all the strategies and techniques they suggest, there is no easier and more productive method of reclaiming time than giving up the news.
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