Cameron Jace

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"Am I insane?” I ask Adam, not sure why I do. “It depends,” Adam says. “It depends?” “On whether it’s more important to know if you’re insane, or to know who you are,” he says.
It's typical of people to keep seeking answers they can't handle yet. Questions are easy. Everyone's got many. Answers are hard, and usually unlikable.
"Can't compare an author to a single book, Alice," he says. "Here is a good one: who has a better sense of absurd humor, Lewis Carroll or God?"
"Does that mean you're going out on a date with me?" he says. "Not again," I sigh. "Why do you want to go on a date with me? I don't know you." "Let's see. We've saved a girl together, fought a bunch of red-hooded monsters, and now escaped an old woman who thinks she is a cat. I’ve kissed girls before saying hello. You're practically my wife now. We even have kids."
"You know who mad people really are, Alice?” the Pillar speaks with his pipe between his lips. “Just lazy people who took the easier way out in life."