İrvin Cemil Schick

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İrvin Cemil Schick Quotes

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Mehmet Ali Ağaoğulları
The advancement of Turkish nationalism as a concept was initiated by Europeans. Turcological research and debates had started in France, Austria-Hungary, Germany, and other countries without the knowledge or contribution of Turks.
Sayfa 179
Mehmet Ali Ağaoğulları
Racist-Turanist ideology was dropped from official NMP doctrine in order to address a wider electorate and increase the party's nationwide audience.
Sayfa 197
Mehmet Ali Ağaoğulları
The JP, representing the big bourgeoisie, protected and supported the NMP as it used the idealist youths as a strike force against democratic and leftist sectors.
Sayfa 201
Mehmet Ali Ağaoğulları
Religious ideology played a growing role alongside nationalism in an NMP doctrine; in a sense, Turkish nationalism was enhanced by Islamism. (...) With its nationalist-Islamist ideology, the NMP increasingly resembled the National Salvation Party, with one capital difference: it had recourse persistently to force and violence. (...) The NMP not only engaged in terror but also made it the cornerstone of its ideology.
Sayfa 198
Mehmet Ali Ağaoğulları
The corporative system of Italian fascism was adopted by the NMP. The existence of classes was denied; instead, society was conceived as composed of six sectors. (...) An initial subdivision into occupational groups was followed by unification through an invocation of their links to the totality known as the nation. Thus, all social differentiation and diversions of interest were dismissed and everything was reduced to this last category.
Sayfa 196
Mehmet Ali Ağaoğulları
Through the course of the century [19th], nationalism and liberalism were the driving forces behind bourgeois revolutions.
Sayfa 178
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