James Williams

James WilliamsHow to Analyze People author
4 People


Full name:
James W. Williams


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The Power of Words You, because, free, instantly, and new, these are the most powerful words in the English language. “You,” is an important word, because people love hearing about themselves. Listen to a 1-3-year-old talk next time you’re around them. “Me,” and “mine,” are likely going to be a huge part of their vocabulary. It might even be the
Choose Positivity It can be hard to remain positive, especially when trying to persuade someone of something serious. Positivity almost always works better than using negativity, however. Frame your requests using positive words rather than negative ones. If you have to ask your parents to borrow $1,000, it can be nerve-wracking. Instead of
Flattery gets you everywhere Sometimes, sucking up to someone can really work. You don’t want to be inauthentic or too over the top with what compliments you’re giving to another person, but it’s still important to remember just how much a little extra love can go. There’s a chance you’re already thinking the things you want to say anyway, so why not tell them how you feel, as long as it’s positive. Flattery doesn’t just have to be telling someone how gorgeous or smart they are. It can be as simple as picking up their favorite snack when you’re at the store or remembering to ask how their vacation went if you know they went away for the weekend. Some people might see these things as “kissing ass,” or “brown nosing,” but trying to make a positive connection should be part of our everyday life. Even if someone sees what you’re doing, they’re still appreciative of your conscious effort to make a connection. It can be pretty obvious in some instances that a person is trying to flatter you, especially if they’re normally closed off or seemingly careless. While some people can be bothered by this, most will still appreciate the effort you’re putting into trying to make a connection with them.
Bir arkadaşınızla uzun bir görüşme yaptıktan sonra “Üzgünüm beni dinlemeniz gerekti!” Demeyin. Bunun yerine, “Çok iyi bir dinleyici olduğunuz için teşekkürler. Senin gibi bir arkadaşa sahip olduğum için mutluyum! ”İnsanlar, minnettar bir insana genellikle kendilerini geçersiz kılan birinden çok daha olumlu tepki verirler. Bu özür yöntemine de sadık kalırsanız, kendinizi daha iyi tedavi etmeye başladığınızı göreceksiniz
Ask for Help Asking for help is a way to present vulnerability. You’re letting the other person know that not only do you need them, but you’re choosing to ask them for help. You’re going out of your way to let them know that they have what it takes to solve your problem. You’re giving another person responsibility over yourself, and that can


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Mutlu olduğumuz için gülümsemiyoruz . Gülümsediğimiz için mutlu oluyoruz .. 🦋
James Williams
James Williams
Eğer birinin ruhunu görmek istiyorsɑn, onɑ hɑyɑllerini sor...🌠
James Williams
James Williams
“Eğer birinin ruhunu görmek istiyorsan ona hayallerini sor.”
James Williams
James Williams

Comments and Reviews

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132 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
manipulation-human psychology-
This book is really about people influencing other people.It shows how easily it can be done with the right people . This is how someonetakes advantage of you .Everyone has the potential to take advantage of someone,but due to morals, conscience and other things, they don't. But there are somepeople that will. There are four different personality traits in darkpsychology ,and this book gives you details what they are. I found this book sointeresting ,in that I have met a few of these people .Would recommend thisbook
Dark Psychology
Dark PsychologyJames Williams · SD Publishing LLC · 20195 okunma
250 syf.
9/10 puan verdi
Read in 1 hours
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How to Analyze People
How to Analyze PeopleJames Williams · SD Publishing · 20196 okunma