Jenny Edkins

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1997’de Aberystwyth Üniversitesi’nde doktorasını tamamladıktan sonra 2004 yılında Uluslararası Siyaset profesörü oldu. Çeşitli üniversitelerde ders verdi, bazı kuruluşlara danışmanlık yaptı, çeşitli yayınevleri ve dergilerin yayın kurullarında yer aldı. Muhtelif sebeplerle kaybolan-kaybedilen insanların toplumsal ve kültürel açıdan ele alınması, yerinden edilenler gibi konularda uzmanlaşan Edkins, travma, hafıza çalışmaları ve estetik gibi alanlarda da çalıştı. Aberystwyth Üniversitesi’nde ders veren Edkins’in kitaplarından bazıları: Poststructuralism and International Relations; Trauma and the Memory of Politics; Whose Hunger? Concepts of Famine, Practices of Aid; Face Politics.
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zenciler süper adam olamaz yalnızca canavar olabilirler! beyaz adam gibi ol!
''My body was given back to me sprawled out, distorted, recolored, clad in mourning in that white winter day. the Negro is an animal, the Negro is bad, the Negro is mean, the Negro is ugly; look, a nigger, it's cold, the nigger is shivering because he is cold, the little boy is trembling because he is afraid of the nigger, the nigger is shivering with cold, that cold that goes through your bones, the handsome little boy is trembling because he thinks that the nigger is quivering with rage, the little boy throws himself into his mother's arms: ''Mama, the nigger's going to eat me up'' Fanon
Sayfa 155
difference of Marx
Liberal thinkers have clasically taken as their starting point the notion that human beings should be conceived of as autonomous rational individuals who should be allowed to exercise their judgment free unnecessary constraints so as to enable them to best to follow and fulfil their interests. Marx took exception with the liberal idea of human nature: for Marx, individuals must be understood not as ''abstract individuals'' but as fundamentally social beings tied to their natural and social environment.
Sayfa 248
Fanon and European subjectivity
All the Mediterranean values, the triumph of the individual, of enlightenment and Bauty turm into pale, lifeless trinkets. All those discourses appear a jumble of dead words. Those values which seemed to ennoble the soul prove worthless because they have nothing in common with the real life struggle in which people are engaged.
Sayfa 153
liberals.. they always fall in love with invisible things...
It is the sense then that their violence is of a different sort -one backed by Reason- that allows modern liberals to support colonial interventions in seemingly illiberal countries in order to promote democracy, foster human rights, promote sustainable development, rescue women or many other such causes. Empire and modern liberalism not only go hand in hand but it is this intimacy and complicity between the two that makes the indignity of colonialism invisible to the modern liberal.
Sayfa 154


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İstatistik ve rakam isteyenler için ideal bir kitap. Hayat hikayesi arayan bu kitabı elinden bıraksın yoksa çok sıkılır. Zira yazar kitapta genel bir inceleme yaparken çoğu yerden alıntı yapıyor ama dili akıcı değil.
KayıpJenny Edkins · İletişim Yayınevi · 20164 okunma