John Mueller

John MuellerArtificial Intelligence For Dummies yazarı
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Yazar, Akademisyen


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AI is part of robots, self-driving cars, drones, medical systems, online shopping sites, and all sorts of other technologies that affect your daily life in so many ways.
Current medical devices work just fine, but they aren’t portable. The point of creating AI-enabled apps and specialized devices is to obtain much needed data when a doctor actually needs it, rather than having to wait for that data. Even if you don’t buy a toothbrush to monitor your technique or an ECG to monitor your heart, the fact that these devices are small, capable, and easy to use means that you may still benefit from them at some point.
Algorithms that process words can help Google AI systems understand and anticipate your needs even when you are not expressing them in a set of keywords but in plain, unclear natural language, the language we speak every day. If you currently try to pose questions, not just chains of keywords, to the Google search engine, you’ll notice that it tends to answer correctly. Since 2012, with the introduction of the Hummingbird update, Google became better able to understand synonyms and concepts.
A heuristic is an educated guess about a solution, such as a rule of thumb that points to the direction of a desired outcome but can’t tell exactly how to reach it. It’s like being lost in an unknown city and having people tell you a certain way to reach your hotel (but without precise instructions) or how far you are from it.
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