Judith V. Jordan

İlişkisel-Kültürel Terapi yazarı
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Judith V. Jordan is the co-director and a founding scholar of the Jean Baker Miller Instituteand co-director of the institute's Working Connections Project. She is an attending psychologist at McLean Hospital and assistant professor of psychology at the Harvard Medical School.She works as a psychotherapist, supervisor, teacher and consultant. Jordan's development of relational-cultural therapy has served as a foundation for other scholars who have used this theory to explore the workplace, education leadership and entrepreneurship. Jordan is the author of the book Relational-Cultural Therapy, co-author of Women's Growth in Connection, editor of Women's Growth in Diversity, The Complexity of Connection, The Power of Connection, and has published many "Works in Progress" at Wellesley College as well as chapters and journal articles. In addition, Jordan has written, lectured and conducted workshops nationally and internationally on the subjects of relational-cultural theory, women's psychological development, empathy, mutuality, mutual empathy,courage, shame, relational resilience, psychotherapy with women, a relational model of self, relational psychotherapy, gen der issues in psychotherapy, relationships between women and men, the mother-daughter and mother-son relationships, special treatment programs for women and treating post-traumatic stress. In 1997 Jordan shared the Massachusetts Psychological Association's "Career Contribution Award" with Irene Pierce Stiver and Janet Surray and in 2010 she received the American Psychological Association Division 29's "Distinguished Psychologist Award for Contributions to Psychology and Psychotherapy''


1 okur okudu.

Sözler ve Alıntılar

Tümünü Gör
“Büyümeyi besleyen ilişkileri bulmak, insanın dünyadan uzaklaşıp sıcak ve tatminkar bir bağlantı kozasına çekilmesine yol açmaz. Bunun yerine kendisini dünyaya ve başkalarının esenliğine daha fazla açmasına neden olur.”
Sayfa 77 - OkuyanUs YayınlarıKitabı okudu
“İlişkisel-kültürel kuram (RCT) güç dengesizliği ile baskıya ve zulüme maruz bırakma meselelerinin, her türlü terapötik anlayışın ve müdahalenin temeli olduğunu ileri sürmektedir. Kabul görmeyen, onaylanmamış ayrıcalık ve gücün diğer insanlar üzerinde üstü örtülü ya da açıktan arsızca kullanımı nihayetinde bölünmeyi, kızgınlığı, güçsüzleştirmeyi, depresyonu, utancı ve bağlantı kopukluklarını doğurmaktadır.”
Sayfa 26 - OkuyanUs YayınlarıKitabı okudu