Lee Covington

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Lee Covington Quotes

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Marrying the wrong person is a very common mistake. Fifty percent of the people who get married pick the wrong person. Why should they be forced to sacrifice their lives because of that one mistake? If the marriage doesn’t work, all right, face it. Get out of it and get on with your life. If we go backwards and force people to stay together, who really gets hurt? That’s right, the kids. ——— Yanlış kişiyle evlenmek çok yaygın bir hatadır. Evlenenlerin yüzde ellisi yanlış kişiyi seçiyor. Neden tek bir hata yüzünden hayatlarını feda etmek zorunda kalsınlar ki? Eğer evlilik yürümüyorsa, tamam, bununla yüzleşin. Bundan kurtulun ve hayatınıza devam edin. Eğer geriye gidersek ve insanları bir arada kalmaya zorlarsak gerçekte kim zarar görür? Evet doğru, Tabii ki çocuklar.
Once the world starts giving you hell for leaving your wife, your guilt will go away by itself... to be replaced by anger, disgust, and ultimately relief.
Sure, you can keep on tolerating your wife, but in the meantime your life is passing by.
Know this: Every married woman’s biggest fear is that her husband will leave her. Biggest fear. That’s bigger than the fear of poverty or the death of a child or even her own death. That’s right. A child’s death is much more tragic, obviously. But it’s also rare. Few women run around scared to death every day that their children will suddenly drop dead. But their friends are getting dumped by their husbands right and left! Marriages are breaking up all over the place. Husbands are walking out. It’s fifty percent out there. Yes, a wife is much more fearful of something that’s happening all around her all the time. So remember: Her biggest fear is that her husband will leave her. Know this and never forget it.
When a woman gets out of a bad marriage, what does she get? Applause! Cheers, flowers, congratulations. Everyone is so proud of her for taking charge of her life and getting away from that awful beast. Friends throw parties, support groups gush all over her, self-esteem oozes from her pores. But what happens when a man decides to leave his wife? Just the opposite! Everyone rushes to the wife’s side. Overnight, a nice guy becomes a creep, a cheat, a crook. Judges punish you, friends desert you, the world condemns you. It doesn’t matter if your wife was the world’s worst woman – unbearable and loathsome. It simply doesn’t matter. It’s like this: When a woman wants out, she’s good; when a man wants out, he’s bad. ----- Bir kadın kötü bir evlilikten çıktığında eline ne geçer? Alkış! Şerefe, çiçekler, tebrikler. Hayatının sorumluluğunu üstlendiği ve o korkunç canavardan uzaklaştığı için herkes onunla gurur duyuyor. Arkadaşları partiler veriyor, destek grupları onun her yanından fışkırıyor, özgüveni gözeneklerinden sızıyor. Peki bir adam karısını terk etmeye karar verirse ne olur? Tam tersi! Herkes karısının yanına koşuyor. İyi bir adam bir gecede bir sürüngene, sahtekara, dolandırıcıya dönüşür. Yargıçlar seni cezalandırır, arkadaşların seni terk eder, dünya seni kınar. Karınızın dünyanın en kötü kadını, dayanılmaz ve iğrenç olması önemli değil. Bunun hiçbir önemi yok. Şöyle: Bir kadın çıkmak istediğinde iyidir; bir adam dışarı çıkmak istediğinde kötüdür.
Our divorce rate is a measure of our civilization and progress.