Micah Nemerever

Micah NemereverThese Violent Delights author
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micah nemerever'ın ilk kitabı. tamamen rastgele seçip okumaya başlamıştım ve şuan gerçekten beni çağırdığını düşünüyorum. kitabın ilk ve son partı gerçekten inanılmazdı. son 50 sayfası ve sonu kafayı yedirtti bana. leopold ve loeb davasından esinlenerek yazılmış. kitabın giriş bölümü cinayetle başlıyor ve daha sonra bu cinayeti işleyen paul ve julian'ın korkunç toksik birlikteliğini ve bu cinayetin arka planını okuyoruz. ortalarının biraz uzadığını düşünüyorum ama yazarın kalemi çok iyi olduğu için pek sorun etmedim. neden bu hikayeyi genç yetişkin karakterlerle anlatmak istediğini kitabın sonundaki notta daha iyi anladım. bence güzel bir iş çıkarmış ilk kitabı için.
These Violent Delights
These Violent DelightsMicah Nemerever · Harper · 20204 okunma
What we call love is actually letting your identity fill in around the shape of the other person. You love someone by defining yourself against them. Loss hurts because there's nothing holding that part of you in place anymore. But your outline still holds and it keeps holding. The thing you shaped yourself into by loving them, you never stop being that. The marks are permanent so the idea of the person you love is permanent too." "Only as permanent as I am." Paul wanted to say.
He tried to pour his consciousness only into the parts of his body that Julian touched. He wanted forget everything but the way Julian's blood ran a little hotter than his own. How the warmth of him pulled just below his ribcage and at the hollow of his throat.
Paul was almost relieved to feel the sting. It meant Julian saw every weakness in him and still thought he was worth the effort of hurting.
I've actually been thinking this whole time that I can't really make sense of you. You're nothing like anyone else and I know it's not because of where you come from. Nothing made you, you just are.
The truthfulness was beginning to burn like an over-extended limb.
“All they were was a pair of sunflowers who each believed the other was the sun.”
Part IV, Chapter 6Kitabı okudu
“I hope you looked west while I was looking east, and that for a moment you met my eyes without knowing it.”
Part II, Chapter 2Kitabı okudu
“I always think of a passage from the Symposium, this allegory about people who started off as two halves of a whole, but then something cut them apart, and they spend their whole lives looking for their other half so they can fit themselves back together. And that’s how it feels, it hurts, it’s like I lost you before I was born.”
Part I, Chapter 8Kitabı okudu
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