Michael Bond

Michael BondMutlu Yıllar Ayı Paddington author
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Bu dünyada her şey göründüğü gibi değildir.
Michael Bond
Michael Bond
it's always worse for the one who stays behind.
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Michael Bond
Michael Bond
"All good things come to an end sooner or later. And the nicer it is the sooner it seems to end. But if they didn't end, we shouldn't have other things to look forward to."
Sayfa 139Kitabı okudu
This is cute and funny as hell!
"I think he must be making some marmalade sandwiches, Henry," she said, "Listen." "Making marmalade sandwiches?" repeated Mr Brown. "I don't see how you can hear anyone make marmalade sandwiches.” “You can hear with Paddington,” said Mrs Brown. “You can hear the jars going. When he’s eating it he just dips his paws in and you can hear the breathing, but when it’s sandwiches he uses a spoon and you can hear the clicks as well.”
Sayfa 124Kitabı okudu
Ah, Monsieur le Bear!
“If only our troubles could be solved by looking into a crystal ball, life would be very simple. I, too, would like to see into the future!”
Nothing but the best is good enough for Paddington.
Sayfa 123 - Harper CollinsKitabı okudu
119 syf.
Not rated
Yıllar yıllar önce çizgi filmini izlediğim sevimli Ayı Paddington'ın hikayesine geçmeden önce kitabın benim için öneminden bahsedeceğim.. Kitap, Brown ailesinin tatil için okuldan eve dönen kızları Judy'yi karşılamak için gittikleri Paddington istasyonunda sevimli ayıyı bulmalarıyla başlıyor. Sevimli ayı elinde bavulu ile kenarda
Ayı Paddington
Ayı PaddingtonMichael Bond · Epsilon Yayınları · 201411 okunma
"İnsanlar bazen bazı şeyleri ne kadar yavaş anlıyorlardı."
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