
The Orphic Hymns yazarı
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Orpheus Sözleri ve Alıntıları

Orpheus sözleri ve alıntılarını, Orpheus kitap alıntılarını, Orpheus en etkileyici cümleleri ve paragragları 1000Kitap'ta bulabilirsiniz.
While Zeus is sometimes equated with air, it is Hera who more often is considered a manifestation of this element. Plato etymologically relates her name and the word for air, and the Stoics also make the identification. It is possible that such a connection was also attributed to Orpheus. As already mentioned, Hera is sometimes claimed to be the mother of Typhon. This creature is associated with destructive winds, and perhaps the version that makes Hera his mother was influenced by a play on Hera/air as in Plato.
Water, being an element that is easily observed to possess no firm structure, is an obvious choice for those seeking a single origin for the concrete pluralities in the empirical world; its character is probably also a reason why mythological beings connected with water are often shape-shifters themselves.
Zeus takes as his first wife Metis (Counsel, Resourcefulness, Wisdom) but finds out later that she is destined to give birth to a mighty daughter and a son who will overthrow his father. Eventually, though, he gets a headache. Hephaistos performs exploratory surgery and splits his head open with an axe—then suddenly out pops a goddess, fully armed, shouting a lusty battle cry, and scaring the assembled gods.
To Death
Hear me, you who steer the path of all mortals and give sacred time to all from whom you are distant. Your sleep tears the soul free from the body’s hold, whenever you undo nature’s powerful bonds, bringing the long slumber, the endless one, to the living. Common to all, you are unjust to some, when you bring swift end to youthful life at its peak. In you alone is executed the verdict common to all, for to entreaties and to prayers you alone are deaf.
In general, though, it was customary to give Hestia offerings before other gods. Sokrates, about to embark on a discussion on the etymology of gods’ names, asks his interlocutor if they should start with Hestia, as is the custom, and later notes that Hestia is the first divinity invoked at sacrifices. It is not hyperbole to state that she was the most worshipped divinity in the ancient world as well as the most important divinity in the daily lives of the majority of people.
The ancient Greeks in general had a strong distaste for the violence of war, and the negative treatment of Ares in myth is a reflection of this. The sons of Aloeus, Otos and Ephialtes, capture him, place him in chains, and keep him in a cauldron for thirteen months; Hermes eventually has to rescue him. Zeus himself harshly rebukes him when he returns to Olympos fresh after being wounded by Diomedes. Ares is often associated with aggressive figures who are threats to civilization, such as the Amazons.
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