Walter Trobisch

Bağlandım Sana author
2 People


Born in Leipzig, Germany, Walter Trobisch was drafted into the army at age 18. Wounded on the Russian front, he was evacuated to Vienna, where he began studies for the ministry. After the war he continued his study at Leipzig and Heidelberg and spent a year at Augustana College in Illinois. There he met Ingrid Hult, who was born of missionary parents in Tanganyika (Tanzania) and planned to serve in Africa with the Augustana Lutheran church’s Sudan Mission. While in language school in Paris, she renewed her acquaintance with Walter, who now was a pastor in Germany. In 1950 she went to Cameroon, but their love grew and two years later they were married. He joined her in the mision and in 1953 they began a pioneer work at Tchollire, in northern Cameroon. In 1957 they were reassigned to Cameroun Christian College in Libamba, where Walter Trobish taught German and Bible and served as the campus pastor. He also offered classes on sex and marriage for older students, which led to the publication in 1962 of I Loved a Girl, the correspondence between him and two young African Christians who were deeply in love. This became a bestseller, and further books followed. The requests for advice on family life grew so heavy that the Trobishes left Cameroon in 1963, relocated to Austria, and formed the Family Life Mission, which conducted seminars all over the world and carried on a large counseling ministry by mail. After Walter’s untimely death, Ingrid Trobisch returned to the family home in Springfield, Missouri, and engaged in writing and speaking. Richard V. Pierard, “Trobisch, Walter and Ingrid (Hult),” in Biographical Dictionary of Christian Missions, ed. Gerald H. Anderson (New York: Macmillan Reference USA, 1998), 115. This article is reprinted from Biographical Dictionary of Christian Missions, Macmillan Reference USA, copyright © 1998 Gerald H. Anderson, by permission of Macmillan Reference USA, New York, NY. All rights reserved.
Almanya, 1923


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