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Eva'nın hayatı sen olmuşsun zaten Jacks
“What about you? Will we ever meet?” “No.” And if Jacks felt anything about it, the emotion didn’t show. “Will you still remember me?” “Yes,” he said with equal indifference. “But I’ll make sure our paths never cross.” “But you just said my life wouldn’t change.” “It won’t.” He took another bite of his apple. “You’ll find another way to stop Luc’s wedding. Poison, I imagine.” “That wasn’t what I was talking about.”
Evangeline and JacksKitabı okudu
Sickness crawls through my veins...
It was dark in the house, so dark I was sure he wasn’t home. And I jumped when the living room light clicked on and there he was, sitting on the couch. Relief in his gaze. Beautiful as always. And a liar. “It’s all true, isn’t it?” I whispered as we locked eyes. He stared at me warily, exhaustion marring his perfect features. I watched as the wariness faded into resolution. “Yes. And I’d do it all again,” he swore. “I’d do anything to keep you.” I nodded, a sick thrill rushing through me that didn’t make sense. I’d do anything to keep you… No one had ever seen every part of me and vowed to never let me go.
Blake-Ari.Kitabı okudu
First of all, I don't get angry at anyone for no reason or want to break their heart because, as my grandmother said, breaking a heart is like destroying the most sacred place. Unfortunately or fortunately, I do not know the feeling of hate because I have loved all my life, but I did not hate anyone who made me angry and harmed us. I always
“I didn’t want to kill myself. Yes, I’ve thought about it often, when the pain gets to be too much and I want it to just stop, but I still wouldn’t do it, because I’d regret it.” He strokes my hand that’s beneath his. “I’ll make sure you never have those thoughts again.”
Sayfa 169Kitabı okudu
Yes, this men. I want him, please...
He pulls her close, he looks down at her with a dangerous intensity. "you are right, we are friends. we’ve been friends for years, and after years of spending time with you i realised one thing - i want you. I dont WANT you to belong to me. I *need* you to belong to me. I need to possess you and make you mine." he leans in towards her until their lips are about to touch. " and I’m going to make sure, no one is ever able to have you but me"
Yes sure


25 Ocak 13:36
Çok mu zor? Çok mu imkansız?
Çocuk mu, robot mu yetiştirmek istiyorsunuz?
• Çocuğunuz; – Varsın, bir çivi bile çakamasın… ama, dersleri iyi olsun. – Varsın, omuzlarda cenaze taşıyanlara bön bön baksın… ama, matematiği düzgün olsun. – Varsın, evin çalan telefonuna cevap veremesin… ama, notları yüksek olsun. – Varsın, eve gelen misafirlerinizle üç kelime konuşamasın… ama, fen lisesine gitmiş olsun. – Varsın, ağlayan bir
“I left Abnegation because I wasn't selfless enough,no matter how hard I tried to be." "That's not entirely true." He smiles at me. "That girl who let someone throw knives at her to spare a friend,who hit my dad with a belt to protect me-that selfless girl,that's not you?" He's figured out more about me
"-Yes, sure you can love, but I'm sorry..My difference is that, I'm not thinking about living empty feelings, I just need to trust and holy feelings.." ~From my notes
396 syf.
Puan vermedi
Since pretty much everyone I know has read these books, I figure reviewing them is pretty pointless. But with the new book coming out in a couple of weeks, I have to go through them beginning to end. To make the reviews more entertaining, I will be doing them in a variety of unexpected formats. For this review, I will be writing as Crookshanks fan
Harry Potter ve Azkaban Tutsağı
Harry Potter ve Azkaban TutsağıJ. K. Rowling (Robert Galbraith) · Yapı Kredi Yayınları Yayınları · 202234,1bin okunma
[To Jon and Louise Webb] March 1, 1964 (…) I remember once in some city in some cheap room, I believe it was St. Louis, yes, a hotel on the corner and the gas fumes of traffic going to work used to come up and choke my sick lazy lungs, and I’d send her out for beer or wine and she was trying to get me straight, trying to mother me or hang me or figure me, as all women will try to do, and she gave me this old bit: “Drinking is only escapism.” Sure, I told her, and thank old red-balled God it is, and when I fuck you, that is escapism too, you may not think it is, to you it might be living, now, let’s have a drink. I wonder where she is now? A big fat black maid with the fattest biggest most loveliest legs in the universe and ideas about “escapism.”
He said the world 'home', despite the fact that he wasn't sure where 'home' was any more. 'So I won't see you again? 'Well, someday,yes.' ' I won't have anyone to talk to any more when you're gone.
Sayfa 196Kitabı okudu
Give me a man who talks like that.
"You hold me so good. A tight little hole made for me. You want me deeper, do you? Yes. You do. You want me deep, Pup. So deep you're not sure you'll survive."
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