
Sabitlenmiş gönderi
"Bu dünya lafla, suçlamalarda bulunarak ya da övgüler düzerek değil, yapılan eylemle değişir."
Sayfa 119Kitabı okudu
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"Hiç düşünmüyorum bunu" dedim. "Düşünmelisin." "Düşünülecek o kadar çok şey var ki! Düşüne düşüne bir hal oluyorum."
"Hayatın gereği gibi tadını çıkarmadan ömrüm geçiyor, diye düşündükçe fena oluyorum."
262 syf.
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Güneş Gene Doğar
Güneş Gene DoğarErnest Hemingway
6.8/10 · 1,087 reads
'Twas them days men belonged to ships, not now. 'Twas them days a ship was part of the sea, and a man was part of a ship, and the sea joined all together and made it one.
Ho-ho, divid mend you! It is to belong to that you're wishing? It is a flesh and blood wheel of the engines you'd be?
Tinkin' and dreamin', what'll that get yuh? What's tinkin' got to do wit it?
46 syf.
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The Hairy Ape
The Hairy ApeEugene O'Neill
8.1/10 · 44 reads
I might have known she needed help! I know how things can be---for women. We live close together and we live far apart. We all go through the same things---it's all just a different kind of the same thing.
Not having children makes less work---but it makes a quiet house.
Well, women are used to worrying about over trifles.
1,563 öğeden 1 ile 15 arasındakiler gösteriliyor.