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‍I’ve been looking forward to the 3rd book of ‘Boston Belles’ series for months: ‘The Monster’. Sam Brennan is the adopted son of Troy and Sparrow Brennan from ‘the Sparrow’. We’ve learnt that he is a coldhearted, merciless and dangerous man in other books of the series. But we learn about his past, his feelings and his motivation in this book. ‍Sam Brennan is the most dangerous man in Boston. He kills without hesitation. He is the fixer that millionaires need for their problems. The only people he cares about is his adoptive father, mother and sister. Aisling Fitzpatrick is the sister of Hunter and Cillian Fitzpatrick whom we know from the other books in the series. She’s been in love with Sam for ten years but Sam never talks or acknowlegdes her. Her obsession with Sam hurts but she can’t help it. Despite the looks and upbringing of a rich spoilt princess, Aisling has her own nightmares, fears and she is kind of a monster, too. That’t why she accepts Sam Brennan, the Monster, with everything he is. ‍I was actually angry at Aisling in the beginning; because she let Sam use her and then break her heart again and again. But later on, she began to act like the strong woman she was. She loved Sam so much and waited for his attention for years. But she found herself and made him pay for his actions. I loved the sexuality, the feelings and the energy between them. Sam was a coldhearted a*hole but he learnt to love. I definitely recommend the series ‍TÜRKÇE YORUM AŞAĞIDA‍ ‍’Boston Belles’ Serisi 3. kitap ‘The Monster’ı bir süredir sabırsızlıkla bekliyordum. Sam Brennan’ı önceki kitaplardan soğuk, duygusuz ve çok tehlikeli bir adam olarak az da olsa tanıdık ama asıl Sam Brennan’ı bu kitapta öğreniyoruz. Düşmanını acımasızca, tereddütsüzce öldüren Boston’un en tehlikeli adamı; tüm zenginlerin, iş adamlarının yardım için gittiği ‘tamirci’ Sam. Ve hala zengin ailesiyle yaşayan, prensesler gibi büyütüldüğü sanılan Aisling. Aslında gerçekler hiç de görüldüğü gibi değil. Senelerdir Sam’e aşık olan Aisling onda, kendi içindeki canavara benzer canavarı görür. Kalbini defalarca kıran, onu kullanıp bir kenara atan adamdan en sonunda vazgeçtiğinde neler olacak okuyup görmek isteyeceksinizUmarım Türkçeye çevrilen bir seri olur
The Monster
The MonsterL. J. Shen · Wilmington Books · 20217 okunma
183 görüntüleme
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