Özgüven Kazanma Yolları

Dale Carnegie

Özgüven Kazanma Yolları Sözleri ve Alıntıları

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Lincoln Neden Sesli Okurdu?
Yüksek sesle okuduğum zaman, fikri iki duyu birden yakalıyor: İlkin, okuduğum şeyi görüyorum; ardından onu duyuyorum, böylece onu daha iyi hatırlayabiliyorum.
Learning curve
We never learn anything-be it golf, French, or public speaking-by means of gradual improvement. We advance by sudden jerks and abrupt starts. Then we may remain stationary for a few weeks, or even lose some of the proficiency we have gained. Psychologists call these periods of stagnation "plateaus in the curve of learning." We may strive hard for a long time and not be able to get off one of these "plateaus" and onto an upward ascent again. Some people, not realizing this curious fact about the way we progress, get discouraged on these plateaus and abandon all effort. That is extremely regrettable, for if they were to persist, if they were to keep on practicing, they would suddenly find that they had lifted like an aeroplane and made tremendous progress again overnight.
improve memory
Here is a very helpful discovery about the way in which we forget. Psychological experiments have repeatedly shown that of the new material we have learned, we forget more during the first eight hours than during the next thirty days. An amazing ratio!
Lincoln en ünlü konuşmalarından birinde bir kehanette bulunur gibi şöyle demişti: "Kendi içinde bölünmüş bir ev ayakta duramaz. İnanıyorum ki bu hükümet, yarı kölelik yarı özgürlükle sürekli ayakta kalamaz."
public speaking
Developing Courage and Self-Confidence IS a. Startwithastrongandpersistentdesire.Enumerate the benefits this effort to train yourself will bring you. Arouse your enthusiasm for it. Think what it can mean to you financially, socially and in terms of increased in- fluence and leadership. Remember that upon the depth of your desire will depend the swiftness of your progress. b. Prepare. You can't feel confident unless you know what you are going to say. c. Act confident. "To feel brave," advises Professor William James, "act as if we were brave, use all of our will to that end, and a courage fit will very likely replace the fit of fear." Teddy Roosevelt confessed that he con- quered his fear of grizzly bears, mean horses, and gun- fighters by that method. You can conquer your fear of audiences by taking advantage of this psychological fact. d. Practice. This is the most important point of all. Fear is the result of a lack of confidence; and a lack of confidence is the result of not knowing what you can do; and that is caused by a lack of expf1rlence. So get a record of successful experience behind you, and your fears will vanish.
Sayfa 15 - How to Develop Self-Confidence & Influence People by Public SpeakingKitabı okudu
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