The Rose That Blooms in the Night

Allie Michelle

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Tümünü Gör
Beauty is in the details of a person. Those little quirks that may not be obvious on the surface until you make someone feel safe enough to be themselves. It is their imperfections that are often the most interesting. Beauty lives in the smallest of moments, like the warmth of two hearts pressed together, and the sound of a deep breath. Beauty is in the truth that, once someone is a part of your heart, they will be forever. Even if "I love you" becomes "I have to leave you now." Life is long and love is messy, but you will forever occupy a chapter of their story. Beauty is hidden in the most unlikely places, because the most breathtaking things do not demand attention. They quietly invite you to look a little deeper. Whether it's the the rain feels on your skin or a flower smells blooming in the rocky desert, you can open your heart by falling in love with the beauty of this world again and again.
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In or Out
Are you in love with him? Or are you in love with the way he loves you?
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When people ask if you’re in love I hope your answer is always yes And I do not mean with a person I hope you fall in love with life a little more each day For the simple miracle that you woke up that morning The sun rose again on this planet And you somehow get to experience human life.
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Are You Nice or Kind?
There is a difference between being nice and being kind. Nice can be dishonest. It can be a "yes" when we really mean “no." Nice can be the perfect bandage for our true feelings. Nice is normal-comfortable, in fact. It doesn't shake up our beliefs or awaken deeper layers of knowing. Nice floats along from place to place, denying the freedom that comes with choice. Kindness is different. Kindness takes strength. It takes honesty. Kindness will never ask you to sacrifice your integrity; it will hold you to it. When there has been wrongdoing, Nice will say, "It's fine!" with a big smile and hollow eyes. Kindness will say, "This isn't okay, and there needs to be a change, but I hold you with compassion and understanding." Kindness knows the power in honesty and how enabling people strips us of that empowerment. Nice is taught, but kindness? Kindness is who we innately are at our core.
Are You in Love with Your Now?
It is bittersweet when you realize You are living the memories You will look back on and wish you could return to My nostalgia for the present often haunts me I know I will never live the same moment twice And yet this is the price that comes with a human life How priceless is it to live in a world where every moment is temporary? This is the one and only time the sweet rose that is you Will bloom in this way
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