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The two fundamental jobs that children need to do are to feel successful and have friends. ... Infact, all too often, schools are structured to help most students like failures. Only a fraction of students feel successful through school.
Sayfa 111
Every successful product or service either explicitly or implicitly, was structured around a job to be done. Addressing a job is the causal mechansim behind a purchase
Sayfa 109
Unhappy people
They prioritized things that gave them immediate returns - such as promotion, a raise, or a bonus - rather than the things that require long term work, the things that you wont see a return on for decades, like raising good children.
Sayfa 73

Okur Takip Önerileri

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Watch where your resources flow. If they are not supporting the strategy you ve decided upon, then you re not implementing that strategy at all.
Sayfa 62
As difficult as it may seem, you ve got to be honest with yourself about this whole process. Change can often be difficult and it will probably seem easier to just stick with what you're allready doing. That thinking can be dangerous. You're only kicking the can down the road and you risk waking up one day, years later, looking into mirror, asking yourself " What am i doing with my life ? "
Sayfa 61
Once you understand the concept of emergent and deliberate strategy, you ll know that if you ve yet to find something that really works in your career, expecting to have a clear vision of where your life will take you is just wasting time.
Sayfa 60
Ask yourself: "What are the assumptions that have to prove true in order for me to be able to succeed in this assignment?". List them. Are they within your control ?
Sayfa 58
If you have found an outlet in your career that provides both the requisite hygiene factors and motivators, then a deliberate approach makes sense. (Go for it) But if you havent reached the point of finding a career that does this for you, then, you need to be emergent. This is another way of saying that if you re in these circumstances, experience in life. As you learn from each experience, adjust. Then iterate quickly. Keep going through this process until your strategy begins to click.
Sayfa 48
I'm always struck by now how many of my students and the other young people i ve worked with think they re supposed to have their carreers planned out, step by step, for the next five years. High achievers, and aspiring high-achievers, too often put pressure on themselves to do exactly this.
Sayfa 47
If you have a strategy that really is working, you need to deliberately focus to keep everyone working together in the right direction. At the same time, however, that focus can easily cause you to dismiss as a distraction what could actually turn out to be the next big thing.
Sayfa 46
When choosing a job, ask
* Is this work meaningful to me ? * Is this job going to give me a chance to develop ? * Am i going to learn new things ? * Will i have an opportunity for recognition and achievement ? * Am i going to be given responsibility?
Sayfa 41
It is frightfully easy for us to lose our sense of the difference between what brings money and what causes happiness.
Sayfa 40
Unhappy people
They'd made choices early on because of the hygiene factors, not true motivators, and they couldn't find their way out of that trap.
Sayfa 36
Motivation factors
So, what are the things that will truly, deeply satisfy us, the factors that will cause us to love our jobs ? These are what Herzberg's research calls motivators. Motivation factors includes challenging work, recognition, responsibility, and personal growth. Feeling that you re making a meaningful contribution to work arise from intrinsic conditions of the work itself.
Sayfa 34
Compensation is not a motivator, its a hygiene factor.
"Compensation is a death trap. The most you can hope for (as CEO) is to be able to post a list of every employee's name and salary on the bulletin board, and hear every employee say 'I sure wish i were paid more, but darn it, this list is just fair' ... If any one believes that he is working harder but is being paid less than another person, it would be like transpanting cancer into this company."
Sayfa 33
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