Trade, War and Ceremony
Naval might and divine protection, represented in art, architecture and output from the Arsenale, helped Venice manage disease and decline
Sayfa 144 - Yale University PressKitabı okudu
Makineler böyle pasta yapmayı nereden öğrendi?
"Yapay zeka alanının Godfather'ları diye bilinen ve derin öğrenmeye katkılarından dolayı Turing ödülü alan üç kişiden(Hinton, LeCun ve Bengio) ikisinin makaleleri." "How could machines learn as efficiently as humans and animals? How could machines learn to reason and plan? How could machines learn representations of percepts and action plans at multiple levels of abstraction, enabling them to reason, predict, and plan at multiple time horizons? This position paper proposes an architecture and training paradigms with which to construct autonomous intelligent agents. It combines concepts such as a configurable predictive world model, behavior-driven through intrinsic motivation, and hierarchical joint embedding architectures trained with self-supervised learning."
Perspective is the method of sketching a front with the sides withdrawing into the background, the lines all meeting in the centre of a circle. All three come of reflexion and invention. Reflexion is careful and laborious thought, and watchful attention directed to the agreeable effect of one's plan. Invention, on the other hand, is the solving of intricate problems and the discovery of new principles by means of brilliancy and versatility. These are the departments belonging under Arrangement.
Arkoloji, insanların çevre üzerindeki etkisini sınırlayan, insanları kendi kendine yeten şehirlere yerleştirmeyi amaçlayan fütüristik bir girişim. Paolo Soleri, 1969 yılında İngilizce mimari (architecture) ve ekoloji (ecology) sözcüklerini birleştirerek arkoloji (archology) terimini türetti. Soleri, temel insan ihtiyaçlarını çevre dostu bir tasarımla karşılamaya odaklandı. Mevcut mimari anlayışa göre alçak binalarla dolu günümüz şehirlerinde yolculuk etmek için arabaya bağımlıyız. Soleri ise alanı daha verimli kullanmak için dev yapılar inşa etmeyi öneriyordu. Arkoloji tasarımlarının çoğunda binlerce insanı barındıran yüksek katlı binalar bulunuyor. Peki bu devasa habitatlar gezegene olumsuz etkimizi nasıl azaltacak? Arkolojilerde nüfus yoğunluğu fazla olduğundan, nispeten küçük bir alanda büyük miktarda enerji üretilmesi gerekecek. Soleri’nin ilk tasarımında beton kubbeler vardı. Bu kubbeler, Güneş en alçak noktada olduğunda ve kış aylarında bile Güneş’ten gelen ısı ve ışık enerjisini yakalayacak şekilde yerleştirilecekti. Ayrıca yaz aylarında da gölgelik görevi göreceklerdi.
PSYCHIC CONDITIONING - Distorting Words and Language
The dialectical technique used by the cults is founded on the widespread use of nonsense, both in doctrine (its architecture and symbolism) and in words themselves. The cults employ an esoteric language whose purpose is to warp the meaning of words into nonsense and to strengthen the closed character of the cult by making the language accessible only to its members. This new language protects the cult from revealing its doctrine and secrets to outsiders and is used as sign of recognition between followers.
Sayfa 148Kitabı okudu
The Essential Difference Between Architecture and Art
"The building must please eveybody. In contrast to the work of art, which does not have to please anybody. The work of art is a private affair of the artist. The building is not. The work of art is brought into the World without there being a need for it. The building supplies a need. The work of art is responsible to no one, the house to every person. The work of art wants to tear people from their comfort zone. The building must serve comfort. The work of art is revolutionary, the building is conservative. The work of art opens new avenues to mankind and thinks of the future. The building thinks of the present. Mankind loves everything that serves his comfort. He hates everything that wants to tear him from his habitual and safe position and that bothers him. And thus he loves the building and hates art. Thus does it not then follow that the house has nothing to do with art and that architecture would not be counted among the arts? So it is. Only a small part of architecture belongs to art: the gravestone and the monument. Everything else that serves a purpose can be excluded from the kingdom of art."
There was a kind of symbiosis in their relationship to these grand places: they gave life to the ancient architecture by making it the backdrop of their discourse, by refusing to worship at its altar as if it were a dead thing.
Açık Ağ Mimarisi (Alm. offene Netzwerkarchitektur, f; Fr. architecture de réseaux ouverts, f; İng. ONA; opennetwork architecture) blşm. İnternet gibi bütün kullanıcılara ve katma hizmet sağlayıcılarına erişim olanağı sağlayan ağ mimarisi.
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