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En sevdiğim yabancı dizilerden Malcolm in the Middle'dan Monk'a unutulmaz yerli dizilerimizden Bizimkiler'den Mahallenin Muhtarları'na pek çok dizinin detaylı analizine yer verilen bu nostaljik eser alanındaki büyük bir boşluğu giderirken okurlarına da nostalji dolu anlar yaşatıyor. Eserde incelenen TV dizileri şunlardır: A
Hayatımızı Değiştiren Unutulmaz Diziler
Hayatımızı Değiştiren Unutulmaz DizilerBahadır İçel · Başlık Yayın Grubu · 201118 okunma
From medieval images of Satan to bad guys in today’s low-budget action films, one repeatedly notes the theme that perpetrators of evil enjoy their violent and cruel actions.
We need stories to remind us why hope is complicated but necessary, because the opposite mode is to live neat lives powered by a self-affirming wireless fidelity to all-terrain gloom, where all signs point to defeat and despair waits at every turn. To hope is to embrace uncertainty, knowing the bad guys have not won yet.
İyi Adamlar seksi kabullenmenin nihai biçimi olarak gördüklerinden ve bir kadının seks yapmadan önce iyi bir ruh halinde olması gerektiğine inandıklarından, bu erkekler arzuladıkları kadını üzecek hiçbir şey yapmamak için sürekli çaba gösterirler. Ayrıca arzuladıkları kadın kızgın, depresif veya kötü bir ruh halindeyse, bunu düzeltmek için hemen bir şeyler - yalan söylemek, çözüm önermek, kendini feda etmek, manipüle etmek - yapmaları gerektiğine inanırlar. Since Nice Guys see sex as the ultimate form of acceptance, and they believe a woman must be in a good mood before she will have sex, these men are constantly diligent to not do anything that might upset a woman whom they desire. In addition, if a woman they desire is angry, depressed, or in a bad mood, they believe they must do something quickly — lie, offer solutions, sacrifice self, manipulate — to fix it.
"I love me some bad guys! Because no one gives a fuck no matter how badly I murder them!"
Vol 3, Chapter 25Kitabı okudu
"These guys already had plenty. How come they wanted an even better life? Maybe I'm the same. I shoulda been happy as long as I had Pochita. But I still dreamed of a better life. Oh, I get it. Everybody dreams. You can't help it. Then dreaming's not a bad thing. It's not a bad thing, but... If you're gonna get in our way... then die!"
Vol 1, Chapter 1Kitabı okudu
"tam da beğendiği gazetecilerdendi. Yani meselenin özüne odaklanabilenlerden. Blomkvist için gazeteciliğin altın kuralı, her zaman sorumlu birilerinin olduğunu bilmekti. The bad guys."
Sayfa 113 - Pegasus Yayınları
"I can make the bad guys good for a weekend."
192 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
2 saatte okudu
Wow. That was amazing. I’m tired of saying that but this volume is my favourite. I have nothing to say. I’m speechless. Fear, sorrow and mercy. And of course so much battle. Guys, this book will make you see the other side of the situations. Human life is hard. If you’re a demon it’s even harder. Let’s not judge bad guys anymore. Maybe we can try to understand them. Anyway. It’s a fine piece of art. You should read it. Stay strong
İblis Keser 5. Cilt
İblis Keser 5. CiltKoyoharu Gotouge · Gerekli Şeyler Yayıncılık · 2022312 okunma
Whenever you guys are having a bad time,or feeling depressed, or have a lot in your mind. It’s always okey to come to us, come to Stray Kids. Tell us what you’re feeling.Whatever it takes we will try to fix all stay’s worries, stress and complications.We will try to help out with what you’re going through.We will always try to fix you.We will always open our hearths so come anytime. ~Bang Chan~
He likes putting away bad guys and he loves solving puzzles. The only puzzle he hasn't solved is how to grow up.
Blomkvist için gazeteciliğin altın kuralı her zaman sorumlu birilerinin olduğunu bilmekti. The bad guys.
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