Betimleme nasıl mı yapılsın, böyle yapılsın:
Is it odd to say that your lover reminds you of a tree? Well she does, it’s the way her hair fills with wind and sweeps out around her head. Very often I expect her to rustle. She doesn’t rustle but her flesh has the moonlit shade of a silver birch. Would I had a hedge of such saplings naked and unadorned.
8. The Prisoner (A Fragment)
‘Oh, dreadful is the check – intense the agony – When the ear begins to hear, and the eye begins to see; When the pulse begins to throb, the brain to think again, The soul to feel the flesh, and the flesh to feel the chain.
Sayfa 23
"I told you not to give me those eyes,” silver met violet in a dark corner of the library, “Your eyes have such hunger. Your soul is starved, and your flesh is famished. Tell me, Miss Clemm, do you want relief?” She did.
“Hayatımız boyunca her gün ve her saat, değişen ve değişmeyen benliklerimizi değişen ve değişmeyen şartlara uydurmaya çalışırız; aslında yaşam bir uyum sağlama sürecinden başka bir şey değildir; bu süreçte küçük bir hata yaparsak budala, göze batacak türden bir hata yaparsak deliyizdir; bu süreci bir süreliğine ertelersek uyur, çabalamaktan bütünüyle vazgeçersek ölürüz." — Samuel Butler, The Way of All Flesh, London, 1936, s. 289.
They took Ymir and they moved him into the middle of Ginnungagap and made from him the world. From his blood they made the sea and the lakes. The earth was fashioned from the flesh, and mountain cliffs from the bones. They made stones and gravel from the teeth, the molars and those bones that were broken. With the blood that gushed freely from the wounds, they made the sea, and by fashioning that sea around, they belted and fastened the earth.
The Edda recounts that the dwarves emerge first of all the creatures who live in the flesh of the primordial giant Ymir. ‘They were maggots at that time, but by a decision of the gods they acquired human understanding and assumed the likeness of men, living in the earth and the rocks.
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