
250 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
Read in 12 hours
5/5 Stars (%92/100) I found this one while I was looking for a series that is similar to Solo Leveling. It is kind of similar but Omniscient has a lot of unique qualities. The story is about a man who starts to live in the world of a webcomic he has been following for over 10 years. It is a very unpopular series and no one cares about it. When he starts to live in that world, he realizes that he knows what's going to happen, hence the name of the series. I loved our main character. Currently, the series has 68 chapters and he has come a long way. I loved his character development and though he is the main character of this series, he is NOT the protagonist of the webcomic he starts to live in. This makes things much more interesting in my opinion. He is overpowered in a sense but he uses his powers in a unique and clever way. He is not the kind of guy who one-shots everyone and levels up. I'm curious to see what is going to happen with the series. I definitely recommend it.
Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
Omniscient Reader's ViewpointSingshong · Naver Webtoon · 202029 okunma
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