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Ölüler Konuş`ur
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"If you don't scream as loud as you can, you will be doomed to remain silent over time." It was a book that I started reading, thinking that I had made a mistake by reading it after the book Close to the Earth, Far from the Stars. I finished it in a few days because it was extremely fluent. There were a few points that annoyed me, I will mention them at the end of the review. Coming to the subject, Gökçe is a successful girl with a perfect life according to many people. One day, he falls victim to an incident whose murderer cannot be found. Since the murderer cannot be found, the case is closed, until another person like Gökçe is found dead with a black ribbon tied around her wrist. This mobilizes Gökçe's friends. They decide to investigate the incident to help find the murderer, and the doors of the past are opened. After years of lies and mysteries that Gökçe did not tell, the search for the murderer begins. Frankly, Alper and Gökçe's past relationship affected me so much that I couldn't focus on Gökçe's death and their love being left unfinished. What made me angry was the cause of Gökçe's death. While the absurdity of the cause of death drives me crazy, I find myself unable to blame the murderer. The only reason I can't blame him is that I can understand, at least a little, how psychology came to that state. But no matter what, it can't change the fact that he killed. 'Gökçe is dead. Alper also died together with Gökçe. Gökçe stopped breathing, Alper wasn't breathing anyway.'
Ölüler Konuşamaz
Ölüler KonuşamazDilara Keskin · Ephesus Yayınları · 20206.3k okunma
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Katili bulma konusu biraz zorlama gibi geldi,şıp diye bulundu, yani merakım (isim vermeden söyleyeceğim) neden o iki kişi ıssız bir kulubede buluştular ki? bunun sebebine değinilmemişti.
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Bak neden ıssız kulübede buluştukları benim de aklıma takıldı şimdi.. inan bilmiyorum
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İstanbul gökçe için ağladı 🥺
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yeni görüyorum 🥺
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teşekkürler 💁🏻‍♀️🖤🖤
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Şevval Lantsov. okurunun profil resmi
Ağağa çoksell olmuşş 💁🏻‍♀️
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Senin güzelliğindir o <3
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Emeğine sağlık 🥺🤍
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Yaa teşekkürler 🥺🖤
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Öldürülme sebebine çok kızmıştım :((
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