Ne Okusam?
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380 syf.
6/10 puan verdi
11 günde okudu
3/5 Stars (%66/100) Overall, I quite enjoyed the book and it made me open my eyes to problems that we tend to ignore in our daily lives. I don't think it will be very easy to change our habits but it at least pushed me to research more and start somewhere. There are many people out there that criticize the book because Bill Gates is super rich. It is true but from the book, it seems like he is genuinely trying to change his and his family's lifestyle. I will definitely dig more but I don't think there is enough evidence for people's claims. Putting that aside, the book touches upon important issues and could help you change your perspective on certain problems.
How to Avoid a Climate Disaster
How to Avoid a Climate DisasterBill Gates · Random House Large Print Publishing · 202168 okunma
209 görüntüleme
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