
Yunus Özgür KUŞ yorumladı.
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"Maybe hope is on the next page. Closure book." -Jabes Four women of different ages who have reached emotional bottom... They are unhappy and, moreover, they do not have much hope for the future. For example, Anne Marie hates life because there is no one in her life whom she can love or who loves her. He woke up every morning, saw the empty end of the bed, and thought that he could not overcome that overwhelming feeling of loneliness in his life. The situation of the others is not much lower. Monotonous days, a thin bond between them and life... On a Valentine's Day evening, these four ladies, to their own consolation, gather at Anne Marie's bookstore upon her invitation and want to spend the evening together. That evening, something different happens, something that turns the momentum of their lives upwards... Something that will heal their wounds... As they despair over their wounds and incompleteness, the idea of ​​making a wish list comes up. Even though they remain hesitant, secretly timid steps encourage them to make the list when they are left alone. Our book, which is like a soap opera, says hello to us from such a framework. While they say, 'This is crazy, this is all!', they become intoxicated with the positive impact it has on their lives. Come on, it's your turn... Let's turn another page without giving up hope, what do you say? And finally: “Living is a hopeful business, my darling. Living is a serious business like loving you.”
Bir Dilekle Başladı Her Şey
Bir Dilekle Başladı Her ŞeyDebbie Macomber · Martı Yayınevi · 20172,876 okunma
Yunus Özgür KUŞ okurunun profil resmi
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