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Agatha Christie – The Thirteen Problems
Agatha Christie The Thirteen Problems We can divide the book into three parts. In Episode 1, when Raymond West and his friends gather at Raymond’s aunt’s house, they form a club where they can talk and talk about the murders they have experienced, heard and known about. Although they don’t care about Miss Marple at first, they take her into consideration as they see the way things are resolved. In Episode 2, Sir Henry, who is fascinated by Miss Marple, whom he knows through the club, meets her in Bantry’s. The group, which is together in Bantry’s, will tell about the murders and Miss Marple will find the solution again. In the third episode, Miss Marple asks Sir Henry for help because of an incident. In fact, he solved the case himself. Source: e-kitapstore.com/en/agatha-chris...
Cinayetler Kulübü
Cinayetler KulübüAgatha Christie · Altın Kitaplar · 2020876 okunma
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