
240 syf.
6/10 puan verdi
3/5 Stars (%61/100) Despite my doubts and prejudice, I quite enjoyed 2001: A Space Odyssey (both the film and the book). However, that is not the reason why I decided to read this book. No, I've read the book for research purposes for my master's thesis because of a particular entry by Clarke. He tells us that Kubrick introduced Joseph Campbell and his monomyth theory to him and that he found it "very stimulating" (28). Yet, I still finished the book and liked it overall. Learning more about the creation of 2001 and the relationship between Kubrick and Clarke was interesting. If you are a fan of the film, the book, the writer or the director (or all of the above), you should definitely give this a go.
The Lost Worlds of 2001
The Lost Worlds of 2001Arthur C. Clarke · 19721 okunma
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