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Prior to the use of cognitive therapy for individuals with schizophrenia, research into behavioral family interventions flourished in the 1980s. Four independent and methodologically sound studies in the United States and England came up with the same positive conclusions. Leff and colleagues (1985) and Falloon and colleagues (1985) demonstrated the efficacy of modifying high expressed emotion (EE), criticism, or overprotection by caregivers, in preventing relapse at 2-year follow-up (20% in the family work group without medication and 17% with medication, as compared to 78% with medication alone and 83% with no treatment). Hogarty and colleagues (1991) confirmed the benefit of family work and showed no additional improvement with the addition of social skills training. Tarrier and colleagues (1989) again confirmed a positive benefit on relapse and showed no added benefit with the addition of psychoeducation.
Sayfa 29
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Sadece ilaçla %78 nüks, ilaçsız sadece şizofreni tanılı kişilerin aileleri ile çalışmayla %20 nüks. Şizofreni tanılı kişilerin dopaminlerine ne olmuş böyle? Tanıyı asıl yaratan ve sürdüren sebeplerle ilgilenince nörotransmitter farklılıkları düzeliyor zaten.
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