Ne Okusam?
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Yet not for us to forget is our escape from a long nightmare The exchange of a monstrous world for one relatively sane. To see, and where we can to disentangle, the facts of Nature free from those perplexing mysteries which were in truth not there. There remains and to spare of deeper mystery. The mystery of Nature needs no superstition. Leonardo's Note- books, portraying Nature without superstition, are yet per- vaded by its mystery. Today man can go out into the natural world without carrying the distortion of monstrosity with him. We can interrogate the natural world with a confidence drawn from riddance of misunderstanding no less than from extension of understanding. We can see with whom it is we talk. What wears a divine livery can without fear or favour display it to man's gaze. The position for reading from Nature's lips what she may have to say of Godhead never yet in the past was what it is for us today.
26 görüntüleme
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