
Especially in the morning ... I loooooove itt
"A cold shower is a powerful tool to boost your energy and mental clarity." ¢---⋆ "Soğuk duş, enerjinizi ve zihinsel berraklığınızı artırmak için güçlü bir araçtır."
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ℭody okurunun profil resmi
A cold shower is considered a powerful tool due to its invigorating effect on the body and mind. By subjecting oneself to cold water, the shock to the system triggers a response from the body, increasing blood circulation and releasing endorphins. As a result, one feels more awake and alert, with a heightened sense of mental clarity. This practice can be particularly valuable in jump-starting the day or revitalizing oneself during moments of mental fatigue. Ultimately, the quote encourages individuals to embrace the discomfort of a cold shower as a means to optimize their energy levels and improve their mental focus.
Tuanaynay okurunun profil resmi
Even just thinking of it makes me feel frozen 🥶
ℭody okurunun profil resmi
Hahahh what about me ? 6 or 7 years the same routine ...it's normal for us LOL
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