Ne Okusam?
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The governing principles which lie at the core of modern criminal law are as follows: •The principle of welfare and upholding the common good, •The principle of prevention of harm to others, •The principle of minimal intervention: Law should not criminalize too much behaviour, •The principle of social responsibility: Society requires a certain level of cooperation between citizens, •The principle of proportionate response: The response of criminal law should be reasonably in proportion to the harm committed or threatened to be committed, •The non-retroactivity principle: A person should not be convicted or punished except in accordance with a previously declared offense, •The thin-ice principle: Those who skate on thin ice can hardly expect to find a sign denoting the precise spot where they will fall in, •The principle of maximum certainty: People should have sufficiently certain and clear warnings about the forbidden conducts, •The principle of fair labelling: Offenses should be labelled in a manner to reflect the seriousness of the law violated, •The principle of strict construction: Ambiguities in criminal law should be construed in favour of the defendant, •The presumption of innocence: A principle of procedural fairness that the defendant should be presumed innocent until proved guilty.
Sayfa 112Kitabı okudu
6 görüntüleme
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