
208 syf.
2/10 puan verdi
Read in 2 hours
1/5 Stars (%5/100) i hated it so much. I also hated the fact that people are giving this book 5 stars. I hated that this thing is considered to be poetry. This is not poetry and I'm not saying it because of this new trend of writing one word and hitting space. These are just sentences no aesthetics, no hidden messages, no deeper meanings...The whole book is full of somewhat "motivational" and "empowering" WORDS. People who like this book have no idea what true poetry is and I refuse to accept it no matter what. The style is similar to modernist and even post-modernist poems like that of E.E. Cummings's but it cannot even come close. Those poems wanted to tell something, something much more deeper than basically saying "I fell in love and I got hurt" well, duh. There's nothing more that can be said other than the book being totally well, empty and uninteresting.
Milk and Honey
Milk and HoneyRupi Kaur · Andrews McMeel Publishing · 20157.1k okunma
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