
181 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
Read in 1 hours
4/5 Stars (%82/100) A beautiful story about a young half-Indian boy with some sci-fi elements. The story revolves around an Indian-Irish boy named Zits. Zits get into trouble all the time since he is orphaned. One day he meets a very wise white kid named Justice and decides to channel his anger, fear, violence, and all those hidden emotions into a shooting. At that moment he is transferred back in time. This happens five times in the story. All of these past memories teach him that violence is not always the answer. Even a lonely and angry Indian boy like him could find happiness. I LOVED the book. Alexie's humorous yet poetic language is very fun to read. The book is full of tragic events and even I find myself teary-eyed at some point. Definitely a beautiful book with great characters. You could finish it in one sitting like me.
FlightSherman Alexie · Grove Atlantic Black Cat · 20072 okunma
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