
233 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
Read in 5 days
4/5 Stars (%80/100) 2nd reading: I didn't realize it's been 7 years since I first read this. This time, I especially enjoyed the unfinished poem and its connection to the Silmarillion. Apparently, Tolkien was also inspired by Arthurian legends in creating Middle-earth. Overall, this is a really good book and Tolkien fans must read it. I've decided to change my score from %78 to %80. I have always been a fan of legends and myths about great heroes. King Arthur is one of those heroes. This book is underrated in my opinion. Many people know Tolkien only because of Middle-earth, that's fair but there is so much more to Tolkien than merely Middle-earth. This is one of those not well-known books of Tolkien just like Beowulf, Sir Gawain, and other folk tales. The Fall of Arthur is an epic poem that mainly talks about the conflict between King Arthur and Mordred the traitor. (Mordred is one of my all-time favourite characters especially in the anime Fate Apocrypha) The book might be difficult for some because of the whole Old English language and style. Yet, it is a wonderful piece that needs recognition.
The Fall of Arthur
The Fall of ArthurJ. R. R. Tolkien · 201411 okunma
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