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561 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
4/5 Stars (%78/100) This is the second book in the series called The Masks of God by Joseph Campbell, aka the God of Mythology himself. Whenever you hear the word mythology, Campbell's name is always mentioned. Campbell is extremely important in the field of myths. I've used him as a source for hundreds of times. It is no wonder that this series is also very good. As it can be understood from the title, this book mainly deals with Asian myths and legends. I am especially interested in Japanese mythology, so this book was great for me. I borrowed it from my university library and finished it within a day. It is very fun to read but also very informative. Great source for research but also great to just spend some time and relax.
Oriental Mythology
Oriental MythologyJoseph Campbell · Arkana Publishing · 199266 okunma
98 görüntüleme
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