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86 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
1 saatte okudu
4/5 Stars. (%75/100) The book is split into five main parts: Ground, Water, Fire, Wind, and Void. Each of these chapters contains many short chapters that all talk about different things. The book can be categorized as philosophy though it talks about many things. Miyamoto is trying to educate wannabe warriors by giving many examples and talking about his teachings from the use of the weapon to honing your spirit. However, the good thing about the book is that you can apply most of the things he says in your daily life, especially the parts regarding the body and the spirit. I really like it in general since I am really interested in Japanese culture.
The Book of Five Rings
The Book of Five RingsMiyamoto Musashi · 2019446 okunma
27 görüntüleme
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