Ne Okusam?
Giriş Yap

El S

El S
Kyiv, Ukraine
3 okur puanı
Nisan 2022 tarihinde katıldı
A slight change in your daily habits can guide your life to a very different destination.
Atomik Alışkanlıklar
Atomik Alışkanlıklar
"Akıllı, kuralları çiğneyen ve hala hayatta kalandır."
Having become permanent, the war ceased to be a war.

Okur Takip Önerileri

Tümünü Gör
'Azınlıkta ve hatta tekilde olmanız, deli olduğunuz anlamına gelmez'
But if you are sick of an uncomfortable, dirty, meager life, of endless winters, of clumsy socks, of eternally malfunctioning elevators, of ice-cold water, rough soap, of a cigarette disintegrating in your fingers, of a strange and vile taste of food, doesn’t this mean, that such a way of life is not normal? If it seems unbearable, is it really the ancestral memory that whispers to you that you once lived differently?
George Orwell
George Orwell
If liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear. – Özgürlük bir şey ifade ediyorsa, insanlara duymak istemediklerini söyleme hakkıdır.
George Orwell
George Orwell
Animal Farm
Animal Farm
Hayvan Çiftliği
Hayvan Çiftliği
All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.
Animal Farm
Animal Farm
George Orwell
George Orwell
Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows.
I loved Him, I loved him as my strange, pitiful image that appeared to me in a dream when I choked with anger, guilt and sadness and felt shame in front of this wild beast that died in sorrow; I loved and seemed to recognize myself in him with incomprehensible disgust and incomprehensible joy; or maybe I was attached to him in the way that I was used to the movement of my hands, imperceptible, like the flight of an insect, or to my thoughts, which, not nourished by anything from the outside and returning to me, reflected from the walls of my consciousness, faded away every day; or how I got used to the particular wet smell of my pitiful body, my brittle hair, my ugly mouth, the yellow hand holding the pen.
Beyaz Kale
Beyaz Kale
Orhan Pamuk
Orhan Pamuk
"Kendimiz hakkında çok fazla düşünmek bizi mutsuz ediyor."
Beyaz Kale
Beyaz Kale
— Love is such a nonsense, — the Student thought, returning home. “It doesn’t even have half the utility that Logic has. It proves nothing, always promises the unrealizable, and makes you believe in the impossible. It is surprisingly impractical, and since our age is practical, I would rather return to Philosophy and study Metaphysics.
The Nightingale and the Rose
The Nightingale and the Rose
"The pain became more and more painful, the song of the Nightingale was heard louder and louder, he sang about Love that finds perfection in Death, about that Love that does not die in the grave. And the magnificent rose became scarlet, like the morning dawn in the East. Its rim became scarlet, and its heart became scarlet like a ruby."
The Nightingale and the Rose
The Nightingale and the Rose
When the sun began to rise, he talked about the stars and death, about failed predictions, about the stupidity of the padishah and his ingratitude, about his favorite fools, “about them” and “about us”, and that he wants to be different! But I no longer listened to him, I went out into the garden. For some reason, I remembered the words about immortality that I once read in an old book. Everything around was quiet, only the sparrows chirped, flying from one linden branch to another. Such an amazing peace…
Beyaz Kale
Beyaz Kale
Freedom breeds anarchy, anarchy leads to despotism, and despotism returns to freedom. Millions of beings died without achieving the triumph of any of these systems.
Honore de Balzac
Honore de Balzac
Peau de Chagrin
Peau de Chagrin
— It's easier to give up on a dream and live in a meaningless stream. Wait for the green traffic light, standing on the sidewalk. How long will it take to wait? It isn’t t known... Life is like fluff from an open pillow. A thousand opportunities to catch. 999 of them are empty.
Elçin Safarli
Elçin Safarli
Of course, the habit of looking out the window and counting ships in the pre-TV era was a wonderful way to distract and kill time. In the end, you can look at the beautiful Bosphorus landscapes for hours...
Orhan Pamuk
Orhan Pamuk
How much smarter would you be if you replaced half of your social media usage with reading? — Coach Tony, Better Humans
People believe in Gods, stardust and lost civilizations without ever seeing it in person, so why not believe in your own reflection in a mirror? Believing in yourself starts with a logical assumption, and then multiplies with attempts — and it becomes a daily habit, like coffee without sugar. It comes from a clear realization that everything you want to make part of your life — luxury, money, a decent man or a ticket to New York — deserves to be there. You are the only talisman worth relying on – don't lose it.