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Güzel bir kitap ile McCabe serini noktaladık. Benim için serideki tek kötü kitap ara kitap Alaric'in hikayesi oldu. Ewan ve Caelen'in anlatıldığı kitaplar çok daha başarılıydı. Seriyi takip edenler bilir güzel kızımız Rionna ilk önce Ewan ile, o olmadı Alaric ile, o da olmadı Caelen ile evlenme noktasına gelir. Bu durumdan sonra kadının gururunun ne kadar incindiğini siz düşünün artık. Caelen geçmişte yaşadığı ihanet yüzünden ailesinin felaketine sebep olduğu için bir daha kalbini dinlememeye kararlıdır. Rionna ile evlenmeyi kabul etmesi ailesine geçmişte yaşattıkları karşısında bir tür özür gibi bir şeydir. Rionna ise sapık ruhlu babası yüzünden küçük yaşından beri kendini korumak için çalışır, durur. Erkek fatmamız bizim yani. Bu iki savaşçı, kırılgan ruhun birbirlerini keşfetme yolculuğu.. Ben okurken baya keyif aldım. Evet bu İskoçyalı herifleri ve onların hikayelerini çok seviyorum. Hepsi Jamie Fraser yüzünden! :) Tavsiye ederim. “You’ll fight, damn it. You’ll not give over this easily. God is not ready for you yet because I am not through with you. You’re going to wake up and you’re going to give me the words I’ve waited on for so long. Telling me you love me on the battlefield as we both lay dying doesn’t count. You’ll give them to me and mean them or so help me I’ll bury you in unconsecrated ground so that you never rest and you’ll be forced to dwell in this keep with me for eternity.”
Asla Bir İskoçyalı Sevme
Asla Bir İskoçyalı SevmeMaya Banks · Koridor Yayıncılık · 2014184 okunma
When you understand the suffering of the other person, you are able to transforme your desire to punish, and than you want only to help him or her. Thich Nhat Hanh
“I don't like you, Park," she said, sounding for a second like she actually meant it. "I..." - her voice nearly disappeared - "think I live for you." He closed his eyes and pressed his head back into his pillow. "I don't think I even breathe when we're not together," she whispered. "Which means, when I see you on Monday morning, it's been like sixty hours since I've taken a breath. That's probably why I'm so crabby, and why I snap at you. All I do when we're apart is think about you, and all I do when we're together is panic. Because every second feels so important. And because I'm so out of control, I can't help myself. I'm not even mine anymore, I'm yours, and what if you decide that you don't want me? How could you want me like I want you?" He was quiet. He wanted everything she'd just said to be the last thing he heard. He wanted to fall asleep with 'I want you' in his ears.
Strange infatuation seems to grace the evening tide. I'll take it by your side. Such imagination seems to help the feeling slide. I'll take it by your side. Tick tac tic tac tic tic tic tic tic tic tak tak tak. Placebo&Dawid Bowie (Without you i am nothing) Tuhaf akılçeliş akşam gelgitini şereflendirir gibi. Senin yanında alacağım onu. Böylesi bir düşgücü duyguların kaymasına yardım eder gibi. Senin yanında alacağım onu. Tick tac tic tac tic tic tic tic tic tic tak tak tak.
Help! I’m being held prisoner by my heredity and environment. - Dennis Allen
Ethan, broken, Juliet, Casie
Dear Cassie, I’ve been wanting to give this to you for ages, and after the incredible gift you gave me last night, I figured the time felt right. I found it in a little antique shop in Milano while I was touring Europe. I don’t know why it caught my eye, but I had to buy it for you. The thing is, it’s not perfect. It’s had a lot of owners,
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