"What is the bravest thing you've ever said?" asked the boy. "Help." said the horse.
There is an old joke about a nearsighted man who has lost his keys late at night and is looking for them by the light of a street lamp. Another person comes along and offers to help him look but asks him, "Are you sure this is where you lost them?" He answers, "No, but this is where the light is."
THE LOTTERY The morning of June 27th was clear and sunny, with the fresh warmth of a full-summer day; the flowers were blossoming profusely and the grass was richly green. The people of the village began to gather in the square, between the post office and the bank, around ten o’clock; in some towns there were so many people that the lottery took
Sayfa 219Kitabı okudu
If u know someone like that.. just help them.
Psychopaths and narcissists never admit they are in the wrong, even when faced with contradictory, completely overwhelming evidence against them – unless it suits a purpose in their manipulative scheme of things. Indeed, in all of my years of working with psychopaths, never once have I heard a word of contrition from any of them, and I have got right inside their heads in doing so. Consciously or subconsciously, none of these deviants wanted to get arrested. ¤ Psikopatlar ve narsistler, kendilerine karşı çelişkili, tamamen ezici kanıtlarla karşı karşıya kalsalar bile - onların manipülatif planlarındaki bir amaca uygun olmadığı sürece - hatalı olduklarını asla kabul etmezler. Gerçekten de, psikopatlarla çalıştığım bunca yıl boyunca, hiçbirinden tek bir pişmanlık sözü duymadım ve bunu yaparken de onların kafalarının içine girdim. Bu sapkınların hiçbiri bilinçli ya da bilinçsiz olarak tutuklanmayı istemedi.
China’s exports of manufactured goods rose fivefold during the 1990s, with much of the growth in products that China had barely exported before: chemicals, machinery, telecommunications equipment. By 1998, 45 percent of China’s exports were produced in foreign-funded plants. Lower tariffs on inputs led to higher productivity in manufacturing as more Chinese plants used those inputs to make goods for export. The central government provided decisive help by forcing the bloated state-owned sector to slim down. Local and provincial governments were instructed to “Grasp the Large, Let Go of the Small”: small state-owned enterprises were sold off to private entrepreneurs, but many larger ones were consolidated into market-oriented firms, several in each industry, that were to compete with one another even as they remained under state control. Perhaps twenty million industrial workers were laid off as state-owned companies cut costs to become competitive in the global market—the first Chinese victims of the Third Globalization.
Boslugu Doldurmak
To cope with these feelings of loneliness, worry, and alienation, some of us fill our calendars with social events and our phones with mobile communication apps to help us feel more connected to oth- ers. Or, we may throw ourselves into our work to combat our sense of isolation, or escape into yet another Netflix show or social media rabbit hole. We may make small adjustments, like leaving a radio or TV on at home all day to keep us company, or big ones, like chasing personal and professional accomplishments to fill the void when others let us down. But often, these solutions miss the mark. We can be in a room full of people and still feel utterly alone. We can spend all day on Zoom video calls or sending WhatsApp messages and end up feel- ing more disconnected than when we started. Investing our energy in getting that next promotion may make us feel impressive, but no number of accolades can make us feel truly heard. And while pour- ing ourselves into busywork, giving in to vices, or succumbing to mindless scrolling online may numb our experience, such strate- gies won't actually improve it. Hardly anyone would claim to have happy, meaningful relationships as a result of these tactics, because they don't address the real issue. That's because the root cause of these feelings runs deeper than we may realize or want to admit as social beings, each of us holds within us an eternal yearning for connection and a deep desire to be heard.
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