“Let Nezha come for us. I’m going to burn his heart out of his chest.” “Fine. Then we’ll go to war against the strongest military force in the world.” “They’re not the strongest force in the world.” Together, spoke the Phoenix, we will burn down this world “I am.”
“Rin…” “Yes?” “What am I going to do?” he asked quietly. His voice trembled. He looked so utterly lost. “You fight.”
I think; therefore I am. 🤔
“You’re part of my truth.” “You’re part of mine too.” “Am I?” “Yeah.”
Din önderlerinin başta gelen imamı:
"Şüphesiz bu, benim dosdoğru yolumdur. Buna uyun. (Başka) yollara uymayın. Çünkü o yollar sizi Allah'ın yolundan ayırır." (En'am 6/153) âyetlerinde işaret edilip bildirilen bid'at ve hevâ ehli ortaya çıkıp önceden gelmiş olan yüce kişiler suçlanmaya başlandığı vakit, dinin esasını ve seçkin sahâbilerin yolunu koruyup kollamak için yaratılan, bu apaçık dinin önderlerinin en başta gelenlerinden ve yakîn ehlinin sırlara vâkıf olanlarının önde giden imamı Ebû Hanîfe en-Nu'mân hazretleridir.
Sayfa 24
İnsanın Allah'ı Görmesi Hakkında
İnsanın ahirette Allah'ı görmesi mümkündür. Kur'an ve sünnet bunu ispat etmiştir. O gün (bazı) yüzler parıl parıldır. Rabbine bakmaktadır.[Kıyamet 22-23] Cennet ehli cennete girdiğinde, Allah onlara şöyle seslenir: Arttırmamızı istediğiniz bir şey var mı?Derler ki;(Daha ne isteyelim)yüzlerimizi ağarttın, bizi cennete soktun,ateşten
Syf :278-279Kitabı okuyor
Asa: I'm quick to convince myself someone likes me... Then when I'm wrong, my feelings get hurt. A life of solitude really would be better than feeling like this. There's nothing even good about me. Who am I even living for? I only care about myself. Yet whenever I get lonely, I crave companionship. How arrogant is that? I'm just tired. Tired of my inability to maintain a lasting relationship with another human being. Maybe I'd be better off dead...
Asa: Why I am a total bore... My life is just one of long string of attempts to avoid making mistakes. Because I have no idea what's right or wrong.
“In one life we have known each other for years and are married . . .’ he said. ‘In most lives I don’t know you at all,’ she countered, now staring straight at him. ‘That’s so sad.’ ‘I don’t think so.’ ‘Really?’ ‘Really.’ She smiled. ‘We’re special, Nora. We’re chosen. No one understands us.’ ‘No one understands anyone. We’re not chosen.’ ‘The only reason I am still in this life is because of you . . .’ She lunged forward and kissed him.”
“I have been so many things. On every continent on Earth. And yet I have never found the life for me. I am resigned to being this way for ever. There will never be a life that I truly want to live for ever. I get too curious. I get too much of a yearning to live another way. And you don’t need to make that face. It’s not sad. I am happily in limbo.”
"I can never read all the books I want; I can never be all the people I want and live all the lives I want. I can never train myself in all the skills I want. And why do I want? I want to live and feel all the shades, tones and variations of mental and physical experience possible in life. And I am horribly limited."
Sylvia Plath
Sylvia Plath
I am blue, but not like the sky. I am black, but not like the darkness. I am human like everyone else.
I do have feelings, you know even if I am dead.
Sayfa 165 - Moaning MyrtleKitabı okudu
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