208 syf.
6/10 puan verdi
Read in 6 days
3/5 Stars (%60/100) It was definitely much better than I expected but I once again realize memoir/life writing is not for me. I'm okay with non-fiction to some degree but these types of books really bore me. I found myself losing interest. Yet, it was interesting enough that I was able to finish the book. Chavez focuses on food culture to talk about her experience of being a Mexican American. There are also some good recipes scattered throughout the book. Some parts were really sad as well. Overall, it is an interesting book but I don't really like life writing so yeah.
A Taco Testimony
A Taco TestimonyDenise Chavez · Rio Nuevo Published · 20061 okunma
384 syf.
Not rated
Read in 6 hours
Well, this was annoying. She talked about how little, small, petite she was and how big, strong, tall Joshua was in EVERY single f*cking page. I wanted to slap her for her 'i am a small girl and i need a big man to protect me attitude.' She was spoiled and he was overprotective, but not in a cute way. She was hurt by his snarky comments and name picking but wasn't that how it was supposed to do? I mean they hated each other and they were trying to make each other miserable. She was also being sarcastic and mean. So, why did he become the bad guy here? The book is called The Hating Game but they were even not playing after like 40-50 pages after the kiss. She was totally in love and didn't even bother to hide it. How couldn't she see he was in love too when she saw his apartment? It makes zero sense. There was absolutely no reason, no hate for them not be lovers at that point. She suddenly turned into a horny teenager and her crazy horniness was so embarrassing. She never tried to show him how he cared about him and she only objectified him i felt sad for the guy. And weren't they supposed to be rivals at work and fall in love while they were messing with each other according to the trope. So, what was all this about? It felt like the writer took 3 different tropes and combined them to make a different book(!). I'm sorry but she messed up. The only part I loved was their little dirty road trip conversation. It was both cute and hot.
Nefret Oyunu
Nefret OyunuSally Thorne · Yabancı Yayınevi · 20182,270 okunma
404 syf.
Not rated
Read in 7 hours
many many spoilers This was...not my favorite. Beau was just looking someone who can babysit him and Maggie wasn't a Domme at all. She was only doing it because the kink test told her so. Beau was strictly against the club, his father's kinks and the kink world in general, but after he spent two minutes in the app, he was more eager than
MercySara Cate · ‎ Sara Cate Books LLC · 09 okunma
336 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
Read in 4 days
4/5 Stars (%80/100) I was supposed to present this in class for my master's. That's why I was really hesitant and thought I would hate this. Surprisingly, it was much much better than I expected. I'm not really familiar with Nigerian history or culture but I do know some things about African mythology. That's how I was able to connect some dots. I was really drawn into the novel and most of the time I was sad and angry. That's why I really needed that happy ending. It was great to see the growth of Ijeoma and her acceptance of her sexual identity (also coming to terms with her religion). Under the Udala Trees really surprised me and I'm sure I'll remember it for a long time.
Under the Udala Trees
Under the Udala TreesChinelo Okparanta · Mariner Books · 20161 okunma
520 syf.
9/10 puan verdi
Read in 3 days
This was the book I was most curious about since I finished the first book. Brandon-Nikolai. (SPOILERS) Honestly, the book met my expectations and there were even many things I didn't expect! For example, I never thought that Nikolai would be a sticky octopus - as he portrays himself! That was beautiful, really! I thought this guy was going to be a grumpy lover, but I was so wrong... And I'm so glad I was wrong. As for Brandon, I knew he had a dark side since I saw him in the first book, but I didn't expect that dark side to be... I didn't expect it to be sad... I thought he would be more of a role model like Gareth and actually love violence, but I was wrong for the first time. I was also happy to see Brandon and Landon's relationship. (Definitely is not because about my love for Landon, slander.) Anyway, as a result, I liked the book, but I found out that there is only one last book left in this series. I thought there would be separate books with Maya-Ilya and Gareth-Professor, but the last book will be Eli-Ava... I was a bit sad about that. Maybe they will come out in another way and not as part of this series, I hope...
God of Fury
God of FuryRina Kent · ‎Blackthorn Books, LLC · 202336 okunma
932 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
Read in 1 hours
Dikkat spoiler içerir. Peygamberimizin hayatını anlatan Serinin son kitabı. Burada Huneyn savaşı ile başlayıp vefatına kadar olan süreç ve kişilik özellikleri anlatılıyor. Huneyn savaşı ile başlayan kitapta, isyankar Araplarla savaşması, en başta yenilecekken sonra galip gelmesi, Malik'in kaçıp Taif kalesine sığınması ve burada savunma hattı
Hazreti Muhammed ve İslamiyet (7-8.Cilt)
Hazreti Muhammed ve İslamiyet (7-8.Cilt)M. Asım Köksal · Işık Yayınları · 012 okunma
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