304 syf.
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Read in 22 hours
Mukemmel roman
️ " You have to accept that sometimes that's how things happen in this world. People's opinions, their feelings, they go one way, then the other. It just so happens you grow up at a certain point in this process." Kazuo İşiquro bu kitabda müasir İngiltərənin qaranlıq əyri versiyasında böyüyən bir qrup tələbənin həyatını təsəvvür edir. Otuz bir yaşında olan Keti tərəfindən rəvayət edilən “Never Let Me Go” adlı əsərində onun uşaqlığı ilə sanki səliqəli görünən Hailsham Məktəbində və onu və daha geniş dünyada ən yaxın dostlarınən gözləyən tale ilə barışmaq cəhdlərini dramatikləşdirir. Sevgi, dostluq və yaddaş hekayəsi olan "Never Let Me Go" bütün həyatın kövrəkliyi hissi ilə yüklənir. Mütləq oxumalı olduğunuz kitablar listinizə bu romanı daxil etməlisiniz.
Never Let Me Go
Never Let Me GoKazuo Ishiguro · Faber & Faber · 20107.9k okunma
488 syf.
9/10 puan verdi
"For a moment, my whole world goes black. And I know, I just know, that if she's gone, I'll make sure it's the end for me as well." ♡ Herkese merhabaa!!! Bu incelemeyi yapmak için 4 5 gün kadar gecikmiş olabilirim çıktığı gibi okuyup bitirmeyi bekliyordum ama pdfini bulurken biraz zorlandım. Epub halini buldum ve isteyen
God of War
God of WarRina Kent · Blackthorn Books · 202410 okunma
8/10 puan verdi
A great book that can lead people to gaining habits by starting to do just very small stuff. Book tells that by doing so, you will be motivated to do more. And it works! It helped me start my new diet.
Atomic Habits
Atomic HabitsJames Clear · 201811k okunma
112 syf.
Not rated
Summary: In "What is Man?" by Mark Twain, the author presents a dialogue between a young man and an old man, delving into philosophical questions about human nature. The old man, representing a deterministic viewpoint, argues that humans are merely machines driven by external influences and inherent nature. He believes that every action
İnsan Nedir?
İnsan Nedir?Mark Twain · Kızıl Panda Yayınlar · 202115.3k okunma
328 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
Okey, there is the thing; I love it. At first I thought this book was just RH, kinky smut. But this was a. real. book! A good one. At first I didn't like the book because it started like a teenage wattpad book and I hate the fact that there is a person on the cover of the book, for these two reasons I was turned off by the book, but as I read it, I realized that it was good. I still don't look at the cover of the book, I won't. Also, I'm not denigrating wattpad here because I've read it and I still read it occasionally. But now I said "teenage wattpad book." I'm sure you know what I'm talking about, we all know those books. :) I'm really surprised. I didn't expect it to be such a good book, I expected a nonsense book with only smut, but I was wrong. The book is not perfect, but it is really good. It's good enough to make me want to read the second book. I don't know when I will start the second book and when I will finish it because I promised my friend that I will read "Deviant king" and we will gossip about it. But I will definitely read the second book one day.
Psycho Shifters
Psycho ShiftersJasmine Mas · 20224 okunma
209 syf.
6/10 puan verdi
Read in 8 days
3/5 Stars (%53/100) It was okay-ish to good. I've read for one of my classes. Here's more or less what I wrote in a paper: James Baldwin’s 1955 collection of essays Notes of a Native Son is similar to the works of Sartre and de Beauvoir in the sense that he also compares Europe and America. However, Baldwin mostly focuses on the issues
Notes Of A Native Son
Notes Of A Native SonJames Baldwin · Bacon Press Published · 201217 okunma
160 öğeden 1 ile 10 arasındakiler gösteriliyor.