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The words that God sprinkles into the universe find a way and flow to the loving souls. This is how I see poetry. The ingenuity is His, the poet is the reflector. Sometimes you read a poem from a master and it's as if your soul gets drunk. You may wonder how he wrote this, but the truth is that poem was written in an eternal moment, just like everything else. Reflective souls present the poems, works, writings and songs that the Creator has already created and written. I am a fan of the infinitely beautiful Artist, the creator of everything, and I love collecting his words and writing poems.
Estimated Reading Time: 1 hrs. 59 min.Page Number: 70Publication Date: January 2019Publisher: Cinius Yayınları
ISBN: 9786057593191Country: TürkiyeLanguage: TürkçeFormat: Karton kapak