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From Muscles and Bones to Organs and Systems, Your Guide to How the Human Body Works (Adams 101)

Anatomy 101

Kevin Langford

Anatomy 101 Gönderileri

Anatomy 101 kitaplarını, Anatomy 101 sözleri ve alıntılarını, Anatomy 101 yazarlarını, Anatomy 101 yorumları ve incelemelerini 1000Kitap'ta bulabilirsiniz.
Yeast infection
While not every female will experience infertility or ectopic pregnancy, approximately 75 percent will be affected by yeast infections at some point in their lives. The yeast, Candida albicans, is an organism common to the female reproductive tract in small numbers. Thriving in the warm, moist environment of the vulva and vagina, something triggers the overgrowth of these organisms to cause the infection, which is characterized by vaginal itching and burning. The common method of treatment is either antifungal ointment or suppositories.
Kitabı okurken, tüm kelimeler ve olayların geçmişten depart atarak gelmeleri beni şaşırttı. Eski dostum insan biyolojisi, beni unutmamış.
Even with open uterine tubes, there is no guarantee that a fertilized egg always makes it into the tube. In fact, many times these fertilized eggs remain in the abdominal cavity and attach to tissue other than inside of the uterus. This can be the outside of the uterine tube itself, in which case these are often referred to as tubal pregnancies. However, any tissue can be a target for the implanting embryo, which use enzymes to attach to anything. These are often discovered due to intense abdominal pain and may lead to removal of portions of the reproductive tract if too much damage has already been caused.
Ectopic Pregnancy.
The phallic organ for females is the clitoris. The clitoris is a bundle of highly sensitive tissue located at the ventral junction of the labia (both minora and majora). It plays a major role in female arousal during intercourse and leads to orgasm and spasmodic contractions of the vaginal walls, which can assist in propelling sperm along the female reproductive tract.
Another difference between primordial and primary follicles is the formation of a molecular zone situated between the oocyte and the granulosa cells called the zona pellucida. This layer remains associated with the egg even after ovulation and presents a molecular barrier that the sperm must penetrate in order to fertilize the egg.
Male Infertility | motility.
The leading causes of male infertility are low sperm count and low sperm motility (movement). It isn’t enough to simply have sperm in the semen; there must be sufficient numbers so that those spermatozoa arrive at the end of the female reproductive tract in sufficient numbers for one to fertilize the egg.
'Defects in sperm shape or design reduces their ability to move. Once such common defect are sperm that possess two tails. Their wavelike movements don’t allow the sperm to move effectively.'
Kidney Stones
If the kidneys concentrate the urine excessively, then some minerals become supersaturated and yield a greater chance that through a nucleation event, they begin to form a crystal. As a seed crystal forms, the minerals accumulate on the crystal and increase in diameter.
This causes considerable pain as well as damage. | 'ten ve taş'
When Hormones Don’t Function Correctly
Because hormones control almost every function of the human body, any problem that arises in their production and distribution has severe to dire consequences. The following are a list of a few problems that occur because of issues with the endocrine system, particularly the pituitary gland. Diseases of the endocrine system are primarily related to the overproduction of hormones, the underproduction of hormones, or tumors on the glands.
Gigantism, Acromegaly, Graves’ Disease, Diabetes, Diabetes Insipidus | (When You Gotta Go)
Posterior Pituitary | a beautiful déjà vu.
This portion of the pituitary isn’t glandular at all. In fact, the pituicytes (cells of the posterior pituitary) closely resemble neuroglia cells. This tissue is derived from embryonic forebrain tissue and these cells support neurons whose axons extend from the hypothalamus to the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland. Hormones produced in the hypothalamus are transported down the hypophyseal stalk and terminate in the posterior pituitary gland. Here they are stored in granules called Herring bodies in the axon terminals. The hypothalamic hormones released by the posterior pituitary include antidiuretic hormone (ADH) and oxytocin. ADH (vasopressin) is released when low blood pressure is detected.
Oxford'lu bir hocam bana daha önce anlatmıştı, Oxford'un İzmir şubesi.
Hypoxia is reduced oxygen levels in the blood. It leads to increased respiratory and cardiac rates in an attempt to compensate for this condition. However, this requires more energy and more oxygen, and cannot be maintained as a normal level of physiological function.
Oğlan olursa plexus, kız olursa hypoxia.
Blood-Air Barrier
Air and blood never naturally mix, but they must come within close proximity to each other for diffusion of gases to effectively and efficiently occur. Therefore, each alveolus contains capillaries, the only blood vessels that allow the exchange of gases. The lining cells of the alveoli and the endothelial cells of the capillaries compose the thin bloodair barrier.
bariyerleri severim, bariyerlere sebep olmayı, kırmızı atkılı bir alyuvar gibi üzerlerinden atlamayı
Pharynx and Larynx
Within the larynx, connective tissue shelves on the lateral portions of the passageway and muscles create the adjustable cords that vibrate as air moves between them, creating sound. The most superior folds (shelves or chords) are thicker and more substantial in structure to provide a protective umbrella for the more delicate chords that are inferior. These are called the vestibular folds and they protect the vocal folds (vocal chords).
raflar, kirişler, sesler - gırtlağın bir kütüphaneye benziyor oluşuna bir gönderme.
Colon | 90° bend
From the cecum, the ascending colon rises superiorly on the right side of the abdomen before making a 90° bend and extending across the body as the transverse (across) colon. Once on the left side of the body, the ascending colon makes another 90° turn and forms the descending colon, which extends to the lower left quadrant of the abdominal cavity. To align with the midline of the body, the colon makes an S-shaped bend as the sigmoid colon and then continues straight downward as the rectum.
koca kitaptan hangi kelimeleri seçtiğimin farkında mısın: circulation, network, plexus, colon gibi gibi..
A plexus is a network of interconnecting nerves (or vessels). Plexuses (sometimes “plexi”) is the plural form of plexus and refers to a group of such networks.
Bir plexus, birbirine bağlanan damarların bir ağıymış. Henry Miller dürtüyor, dehşete düşüyorum.
This is the clinically asymptomatic period of HIV infection, when the virus is slowly increasing in numbers as the helper T cells are slowly destroyed. In the end, the immune system is rendered nonfunctional and the individual succumbs to any of a myriad of opportunistic pathogens. These late-stage symptoms are what we generally consider AIDS.
Aklıma hep Freddie Mercury geliyor. | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1Wbu_AF2e4
The lymphatic system begins with narrow, thin-walled, and blind-ended vessels that collect the lymph from tissues and funnel it back toward the heart. Along the way, these vessels release the lymph into small organs called lymph nodes, which act like a filtering system.
niye oturup sırasıyla sistemleri çalışıyorsam, bir de renkli kalemlerle çiziyorum. ve parçalanmış beden eskizlerinden oluşan bir çalışma yapma fikri.
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